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Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 12:24:56 -0800
From: "Alec Warner" <>
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] 2008 Google Summer of Code
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On 1/29/08, joshua jackson <> wrote:
> George Prowse wrote:
> > Grant Goodyear wrote:
> >> Google has been hinting not-so-subtlely that there's going to be
> >> a 2008 Google Summer of Code.  I expect that if we want to participate,
> >> we're going to have to have our ducks in a row by March, if not
> >> earlier.
> >>
> >> So, does Gentoo want to participate this year?
> >>
> >> If so, who's going to run it?  Who's going to help?  What are
> >> we going to do differently this year?
> >>
> >> I'll help if it's something people want to do, but I'd like to see
> >> some serious changes this year.  I'd like us to only accept proposals
> >> that we actually think are quite good.  In the past we've been told
> >> that we
> >> have N slots to fill, so we choose the best N proposals, despite the
> >> fact that we often only get a handful of exceptional proposals.  I'd
> >> also like to see us require weekly public status reports from our
> >> students.  Quick show of hands: how many people know how what any
> >> of our students accomplished last year?  I doubt there are many,
> >> despite the fact that some good work was done last year.
> >>
> >> Thoughts?  Comments?
> >>
> >> -g2boojum-
> >
> > How does the SoC work within Gentoo? Do the developers suggest things
> > they want worked on or do the users suggest things, the developers
> > okay it and then they get worked on or what?
> >
> > George
> To give a short answer, its a combination of projects suggested by
> developer and projects submitted by the students. They get reviewed by
> the User Rel/SOC Staff and put into an order of projects to submit to
> Google. They then decide which ones they approve of to fund for the
> students to work on.

Anyone can contribute 'ideas'.  'Ideas' are not proposals and
proposals are what (in the past) we have had to rank and fund.  So if
your 'idea' doesn't get a competant proposal written by a student it
is not going to get funded, end of story.

> Ultimately its up to google to decide on the projects and how many get
> funded but we as the project have some say in the order they view them
> in. This year I'm hoping to get some decent projects that are attainable
> in the summer for students. We've had unfortunately some that have
> gotten fairly far but didn't get finished. This will also require
> mentors who work with the students who can help them succeed as well.
> Its something I'll be bringing up soon as well to discuss with the
> developer pool (as my understanding is that at least one mentor must be
> part of the project), doesn't eliminate mentors from the community but
> it'd be 2 instead of just one....

Google has no input on individual proposals that get funded; they just
fund N proposals for a given 'project' (that would be Gentoo for us).
I am unsure if we can involve the users in this process because I
don't think we have permission to post applications online.

Past experience has shown that the overwhelming majority of proposal
are terrible and won't get funded.  Perhaps I can get permission from
some of our former students to present some 'good' proposals on the
soc webpage.

> I need to go over more details about it but would like to apply again as
> a project.
> --
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