May I suggest this minor modification. With the original code, if the same flag comes up twice as either 'disabled' or 'unset' it gets added as 'enabled', since it fails the string.find() duplicate check, and there's only a dup check on the fallthrough to 'enabled'. The simple patch enclosed fixes this. Other than that, this is a great idea, works well, I'd love to see it included. -J.D. >Well, semi use aware anyway. > >What do you think? > > >$ ./emerge -p mozilla > >These are the packages that I would merge, in order: > >Calculating dependencies ...done! >[ebuild R ] net-www/mozilla-1.2.1-r4 . > >The following USE flags for this action are: > >[enabled] java crypt gtk2 ssl gnome >[disabled] ipv6 >[unset] ldap mozsvg mozcalendar mozaccess mozinterfaceinfo mozp3p >mozxmlterm moznoirc moznomail moznocompose moznoxft >