On July 2nd we had a discussion on #gentoo-guru on IRC about adding shell-completion.eclass to ::gentoo. It's already well established on GURU and used in 23 ebuilds. It's basically bash-completion-r1, but also includes `zsh` and `fish` with standard install locations for the completion scripts.

For the raison d'ĂȘtre, see: https://bugs.gentoo.org/843875

Check out the eclass here: https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/proj/guru.git/tree/eclass/shell-completion.eclass

I hereby ask for a code review and to add this eclass to the ::gentoo repository.

I offer to continue maintaining the eclass and Florian Schmaus (Flow) offered to co-maintain the eclass.

Please let me know your thoughts about this.