On Thu, Aug 8, 2013 at 9:17 AM, Patrick Lauer wrote: > > > Any users trying this sidegrade will be left without support and risk > being ridiculed by annoyed bystanders. > > There are many of us supporting systemd + gnome 3.8 in #gentoo right now today, and I am strongly discouraging this "ridicule". We also discourage ridicule when someone asks for support on KDE, Gnome, Pulseaudio, NetworkManager, proprietary drivers, or any of the other packages that tend to draw such polar opinions-- but are fully supported. I do think it's a good idea to get all this out in the open though-- make sure users know exactly what they're getting into, how much it's going to turn their gentoo world upside down (for a day or 2), WHY this is happening, and what the alternatives are. Most of this has been covered in this thread already. But it's not unsupported just because some people don't know how (or have no desire) to support it. As for the stabilization issue-- it seems like most people against stabilization just want ~arch as a barrier or "whoa, wait up a sec" warning to stable users don't stumble upon systemd, which makes sense. But I think there are better ways to accomplish this, rather than abusing keywords. -Ben