Cheers Michael, 

I've made most those changes, including USER/GROUP*, that confuses me too; copied pattern from another ebuild. Also removed creating separate folder /etc/fabio.d; re this, I noticed the fabio configuration accepts either folder path or *URL* for configuration file; not sure how this works, though it does seem to underlie some type of arbitrariness in including such a /etc/fabio.d folder within this ebuild.

Re for...keepdir, I found removing it then the /var/log/fabio folders were not getting created, so keeping it in there., says this of *keepdir*:

*Creates (if necessary) a .keep file in the given directory so that it isn't auto-cleaned. Never create a .keep file yourself. If Portage changes how keepdir works, then creating the file yourself will break the package.*


On Fri, Nov 10, 2017 at 10:59 PM, Michael Orlitzky <> wrote:
On 11/09/2017 11:08 PM, Damo Brisbane wrote:
> I've run up a couple of golang based ebuilds - for the fabio load
> balancer. My first run at it, not completely sure of any follow up
> process, mentor? other posting, overlap with existing work? Anyway,
> would appreciate the feedback.

Your $VERSION variable can probably be replaced with "${PV}" to save a line.

Your init script takes care of the permissions on /var/lib/fabio and

  start_pre() {
    checkpath -q -d -o ${FABIO_USER}:${FABIO_GROUP} ${FABIO_HOMEDIR}
    checkpath -q -f -o ${FABIO_USER}:${FABIO_GROUP} ${FABIO_LOGFILE}

so the following in the ebuild might be redundant?

  for x in /var/{lib,log}/${PN}; do
    keepdir "${x}"
    fowners fabio:fabio "${x}"

(warning: I have never understood what keepdir is supposed to
accomplish, so maybe I'm wrong here).

On the other hand, if you've created a dedicated user and group for the
daemon, I don't think there's much benefit to letting the end user
switch them via FABIO_USER and FABIO_GROUP (it just makes the
permissions harder to get right). That's a judgment call though.

Finally, if the stanza above *does* turn out to be redundant, then
there's another small improvement that can be made. Since the "fabio"
user and group are used nowhere else in the ebuild, you could create
them in pkg_preinst() instead of pkg_setup(). Doing that has one main
benefit -- namely that if the installation fails, the user and group
won't be created.

Overall, looks good.

For testing help, you'll probably have the best luck in #gentoo-user on
IRC. For ebuild reviews, we have a dedicated mailing list, and an associated IRC channel,
#gentoo-dev-help (yes, they're hyphenated differently...)