I've run up a couple of golang based ebuilds - for the fabio load balancer. My first run at it, not completely sure of any follow up process, mentor? other posting, overlap with existing work? Anyway, would appreciate the feedback. 

FYI, custom overlay at * https://github.com/damobrisbane/damo-overlay *.

Tried to follow ?prior art? - but first run at it, probably dumb stuff in there, of note:

* Followed "consul" ebuild for template, specifically adds users/openrc init and confd files and logging. Not a systemd fan so please dont ask unless you want to do it yourself..

* I think installs ok?:

>>> emerge -aq fabio

[ebuild  N    ] dev-go/govendor-1.0.9 
[ebuild  N    ] dev-go/vendorfmt-9999 
[ebuild  N    ] net-proxy/fabio-1.5.3 

Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] y

>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
>>> Emerging (1 of 3) dev-go/govendor-1.0.9::damo-overlay
>>> Installing (1 of 3) dev-go/govendor-1.0.9::damo-overlay
>>> Emerging (2 of 3) dev-go/vendorfmt-9999::damo-overlay
>>> Installing (2 of 3) dev-go/vendorfmt-9999::damo-overlay
>>> Emerging (3 of 3) net-proxy/fabio-1.5.3::damo-overlay
>>> Installing (3 of 3) net-proxy/fabio-1.5.3::damo-overlay
>>> Recording net-proxy/fabio in "world" favorites file...


Thanks in advance