2018-02-03 13:16 GMT+01:00 mudler : > Hi everyone, > > > This is an idea that has been floating around already, as some of you > already know, openQA [1] is a project that provides the ability to fully > test O.S. > Being used to routinely build Gentoo profiles, this idea is one of the first to pop up, indeed. > > I'd like to bring openQA to Gentoo, and start using it for both testing, > and maybe, if promising at it seems, using it to automatize even more > our testing workflow and help stabilization processes. > simply Great. > > I'm creating a new project for this, the aim is first to provide ebuilds > for openQA, and meanwhile writing test cases that can be used to test > Gentoo inside it. As i see it, it would be really helpful exp. regarding > testing DEs and track back regressions as well [2], it offers also > integrations with bugzilla. > One of the first things noticed when trying to achieve full testing is that it's a gigantic work. Suse seem to have a really good framework that surely costed a lot to build. How much can be reused of that work? What are the differences, in features and building blocks expected for a gentoo implementation? > > Development plan and goals will be updated to the Project page soon [3] > > > What do you think? > > That's a difficult objective worth the effort to achieve it > > Best, > > Ettore > > > 1: http://open.qa/ > > 2: https://openqa.opensuse.org/tests/600283 > > 3: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:OpenQA > > >