On 21 April 2013 22:38, Chí-Thanh Christopher Nguyễn <chithanh@gentoo.org> wrote:
Denis Dupeyron schrieb:
> I'm hoping this kind of immature and abrasive behaviours will not
> propagate (notice the plural here). Yes, when you see a package being
> actively maintained by somebody else you should absolutely not touch
> it without talking to that person or team first.

I fail to see any wrong behavior here. A bug report was created and a review
of the changes was requested. The first reaction came after several weeks
after the bug filing, and the first objection almost two months after the
change was applied.

You are missing an important part of the story.
See https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=455070 where we discuss
the same issue for freetype. (Yes I should have been explicit for fontconfig
too, my bad.)

I initially reacted within hours, saying that his proposal was in my eyes
not ready yet. I assumed I was clear enough in my refusal, but
apparently Michał didn't understand it that way. He then contacted
the herd a few weeks later, when I was on holiday, and got Luca's permission
to commit, not taking into account he hadn't touched those packages in
many years.

After I found out, I was a bit pissed off about it, but I was too busy with
work to deal with it (and thought it wise to cool down a bit before taking
action). I then saw bug reports about the freetype multilib ebuild revision
flooding in, and was satisfied after it got masked.

But then it got unmasked again (I assume by Michał), and when I found
some time to take a closer look again at freetype and fontconfig, I decided
to mask those versions, as I still don't think they are ready (especially for
ebuilds that might go stable soon).


Then the maintainer came and masked his package, which I see nothing wrong
with either. Except for the violation of visibility requirements only in this
particular case.

I understand this is a bit of a mess, and I'm sorry for my part in it, but I'm
not part of the x11 herd, so I would rather leave it up to you to decide how
you want to handle this.

Ben | yngwin
Gentoo developer
Gentoo Qt project lead, Gentoo Wiki admin