On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 9:52 AM Michael Orlitzky <mjo@gentoo.org> wrote:
On 9/12/19 12:42 PM, Alec Warner wrote:
> In general I don't see bundling as a major problem. In the land of
> dynamic binaries, it's a big advantage because you can upgrade libfoo
> and all consumers of libfoo get the upgrade upon process restart. This
> isn't true for most go programs which are statically linked; so you end
> up asking yourself "why should I make a package for every go module?"
> One obvious answer is that portage then tracks what packages are
> consuming a given module and you can plausibly write a tool that does
> things like "moduleX has a security update, please recompile all
> packages that DEPEND on moduleX" which seems like a tool people would want.

Subslots do this already. Portage does this already. We have this "tool
that people would want," but only if developers can be bothered to
package things.

Sure; and I listed this as an option. It's certainly not the only option.

> [0] I feel like this is a common idea in Gentoo throughout. Anything new
> is bad. Anything that violates norms is bad. Anything that violates the
> model we have been using for 20 years is bad. I wish people were more
> open to have a discussion without crapping on new ideas quite so thoroughly.

This is computer *science*. Some ideas are just wrong, and nothing of
value is gained by trying not to hurt the feelings of the flat-earthers.

Er, I'm fairly sure computer *science* has not conclusively proven that dynamic binaries are somehow superior to static binaries.
