On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 4:57 AM Michael Palimaka <kensington@gentoo.org> wrote:
On 10/8/19 7:21 AM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> In any case, since many people *do* rely on it, maybe we should declare it
> official? [+]
> And, if that's OK with both of you, move it onto infra hardware?
> Happy to sponsor both for the next council meeting agenda.
> [+] At some point the one remaining whiner doesnt count anymore.

In the past, infra has been understandably hesitant to take on new
services due to staffing issues.

Additionally, I understand that the current infra design does not easily
allow granular access control, preventing non-infra members from easily
performing maintenance on individual services.

Has this situation changed? I doubt infra want to take responsibility
for the bot, and I don't fancy the hassle of trying to find people to
poke things on my behalf.

Things have not changed. We don't need to run the bot, we just need some clearer contact info for it IMHO.

I don't think the reliability of the bot is really that different from official infra services, but it was unclear who owned it and so there was confusion; and I think the confusion is the key thing we are looking to resolve here.
