On 8 July 2014 06:59, Andreas K. Huettel wrote: > # Filter never was part of core Perl, no idea why we have a virtual. > # It was moved from perl-core to dev-perl and the virtual will be > # removed. Please depend on dev-perl/Filter directly. > virtual/perl-Filter > https://metacpan.org/release/Filter *Filter::Util::Call * - Perl Source Filter Utility Module <--- only module part of this dist shipped with perl *Filter::Util::Exec * - exec source filter *Filter::cpp * - cpp source filter *Filter::decrypt * - template for a decrypt source filter *Filter::exec * - exec source filter *Filter::sh * - sh source filter *Filter::tee * - tee source filter corelist -a Filter::Util::Call | grep -E 'released|5.(16|18|20)' Filter::Util::Call was first released with perl v5.7.3 v5.16.0 1.40 v5.16.1 1.40 v5.16.2 1.40 v5.16.3 1.40 v5.18.0 1.45 v5.18.1 1.45 v5.18.2 1.45 v5.20.0 1.49 This is an unfortunately messy edge case that exposes the "cpan distribution" <=> "perl module" disconnect we have to deal a lot with. This is annoying, because anything that uses *other* than filter::util::call *must* install the CPAN version. But anything that uses Filter::Util::Call on its own can do so from Perl itself. Its also annoying because the "cpan distribution" that ships that module is called "Filter" on CPAN, but "Filter-Util-Call" in perl/cpan/* -- Kent *KENTNL* - https://metacpan.org/author/KENTNL