hello friends, i am syed armani and i am willing to participate in the gentoo development process via GSOC-2011 i am a computer science student, 3rd year at DCE,NCR,INDIA i want to work in Virtual Machine Builder (website or desktop client)project: i have already tried its basic things..i created a gentoo vm from a stage 3 tarball on a gentoo host. *i did this by the following way: * 1.created a directory Armani 2. downloaded stage3 tarball and portage. 3.extracted in the directory Armani. 4.copied reslov.conf to Armani/etc/resolv.conf 5.chroot to Armani, 6.update environment 7.Downloaded and installed , zen and its dependencies. 8. installed grub and configured grub.conf 9.set the root passwd and create the image using qemu. 10.moved the build to /mnt partition. 11.Game over :) Regards Syed Armani ( Armaan) ABOUT ME: i know about - c/c++ and QT4 GUI development with c++. - python - java - lua - xhtml/css/javascript - Assembly (mid level 8085 n 8086) - BASH scripting. - VIRTUALIATION AND WORKING OF HYPERVISORS AND LIBVERT. - PHP - MYSQL - DEEP LEVEL LINUX OS - BASH SCRIPTING - LAMP/WAMP - WEB 2.0 - NETWORK PROTOCOLS - NETWORK PROGRAMMING - Android Apps development I have a personality of a creative explorer, i always seek knowledge. I also organise hacking competitions at http://syedarmani.dyndns.org(disabled for now).