* [gentoo-dev] Script to test instruction set.
@ 2003-08-12 11:55 99% Tavis Ormandy
0 siblings, 0 replies; 1+ results
From: Tavis Ormandy @ 2003-08-12 11:55 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 603 bytes --]
Hey, this is an x86 port of a script i wrote (with some help from
wwoods) to identify what processor an alpha binary would work on.
I think its pretty cool, and had some good feedback so im posting it
here :)
$ ./analyse-x86 /bin/ls
Checking vendor_id string...GenuineIntel
Disassembling /bin/ls, please wait...
i486: 0 i586: 0 ppro: 15 mmx: 0 sse: 8 sse2: 0
/bin/ls will run on Pentium III (pentium3) or higher processor.
taviso@sdf.lonestar.org | finger me for my gpg key.
[-- Attachment #2: analyse-x86 --]
[-- Type: text/plain, Size: 7492 bytes --]
# Tavis Ormandy <taviso@gentoo.org> 2003
# Improvments by Will Woods <wwoods@gentoo.org>
# Identify instruction set used in binary.
# initialize everything to zero.
eval {i486,i586,ppro,mmx,sse,sse2,amd,amd2,cpuid}=0
# unfortunately there are mnemonic collissions between vendor sets
# so check vendor_id string, and enable relevant sets.
printf "Checking vendor_id string..."
if ! test "${1%=*}" == "--vendor"; then
case "`grep -Em1 '^vendor_id.*: ' /proc/cpuinfo | cut -d" " -f2`" in
*GenuineIntel*) vendor=intel; printf "GenuineIntel\n";;
*AuthenticAMD*) vendor=amd; printf "AuthenticAMD\n";;
*CyrixInstead*) vendor=cyrix; printf "CyrixInstead\n";;
*GenuineTMx86*) vendor=transmeta; printf "GenuineTMx86\n";;
*) vendor=other; printf "other\n";;
# allow vendor to be overridden
vendor=${1#*=}; shift
printf "%s\n" $vendor
# quick sanity tests.
if ! test "$1"; then
printf "usage: %s [--vendor=intel|amd|cyrix|transmeta] /path/to/binary\n" $0 1>&2
exit 1
elif ! test -e "$1"; then
printf "error: %s does not exist.\n" "$1" 1>&2
exit 1
elif ! test -r "$1"; then
printf "error: cant read %s.\n" "$1" 1>&2
exit 1
printf "Disassembling %s, please wait...\n" $1
# initialize screen output
case "$vendor" in
*intel*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u ppro: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u sse2: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $ppro $mmx $sse $sse2;;
*amd*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u 3dnow: %4u ext3dnow: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx $sse $amd $amd2;;
*cyrix*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx;;
*transmeta*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx;;
*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u ppro: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u sse2: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $ppro $mmx $sse $sse2;;
# do the disassembling.
objdump -d $1 | cut -f3 | cut -d" " -f1 | (
while read instruction; do
case "$instruction" in
"cmpxchg"|"xadd"|"bswap"|"invd"|"wbinvd"|"invlpg") let ++i486; print=1;;
"rdmsr"|"wrmsr"|"rdtsc"|"cmpxch8B"|"rsm") let ++i586; print=1;;
"cmovcc"|"fcmovcc"|"fcomi"|"fcomip"|"fucomi"|"fucomip"|"rdpmc"|"ud2") let ++ppro; print=1;;
"emms"|"movd"|"movq"|"packsswb"|"packssdw"|"packuswb"|"paddb"|"paddw"|"paddd"|"paddsb"|"paddsw"|"paddusb"|"paddusw"|"pand"|"pandn"|"pcmpeqb"|"pcmpeqw"|"pcmpeqd"|"pcmpgtb"|"pcmpgtw"|"pcmpgtd"|"pmaddwd"|"pmulhw"|"pmullw"|"por"|"psllw"|"pslld"|"psllq"|"psraw"|"psrad"|"psrlw"|"psrld"|"psrlq"|"psubb"|"psubw"|"psubd"|"psubsb"|"psubsw"|"psubusb"|"psubusw"|"punpckhbw"|"punpckhwd"|"punpckhdq"|"punpcklbw"|"punpcklwd"|"punpckldq"|"pxor") let ++mmx; print=1;;
"addps"|"addss"|"andnps"|"andps"|"cmpps"|"cmpss"|"comiss"|"cvtpi2ps"|"cvtps2pi"|"cvtsi2ss"|"cvtss2si"|"cvttps2pi"|"cvttss2si"|"divps"|"divss"|"fxrstor"|"fxsave"|"ldmxcsr"|"maxps"|"maxss"|"minps"|"minss"|"movaps"|"movhlps"|"movhps"|"movlhps"|"movlps"|"movmskps"|"movss"|"movups"|"mulps"|"mulss"|"orps"|"pavgb"|"pavgw"|"psadbw"|"rcpps"|"rcpss"|"rsqrtps"|"rsqrtss"|"shufps"|"sqrtps"|"sqrtss"|"stmxcsr"|"subps"|"subss"|"ucomiss"|"unpckhps"|"unpcklps"|"xorps"|"pextrw"|"pinsrw"|"pmaxsw"|"pmaxub"|"pminsw"|"pminub"|"pmovmskb"|"pmulhuw"|"pshufw"|"maskmovq"|"movntps"|"movntq"|"prefetch"|"sfence") let ++sse; print=1;;
"addpd"|"addsd"|"andnpd"|"andpd"|"clflush"|"cmppd"|"cmpsd"|"comisd"|"cvtdq2pd"|"cvtdq2ps"|"cvtpd2pi"|"cvtpd2pq"|"cvtpd2ps"|"cvtpi2pd"|"cvtps2dq"|"cvtps2pd"|"cvtsd2si"|"cvtsd2ss"|"cvtsi2sd"|"cvtss2sd"|"cvttpd2pi"|"cvttpd2dq"|"cvttps2dq"|"cvttsd2si"|"divpd"|"divsd"|"lfence"|"maskmovdqu"|"maxpd"|"maxsd"|"mfence"|"minpd"|"minsd"|"movapd"|"movd"|"movdq2q"|"movdqa"|"movdqu"|"movhpd"|"movlpd"|"movmskpd"|"movntdq"|"movnti"|"movntpd"|"movq"|"movq2dq"|"movsd"|"movupd"|"mulpd"|"mulsd"|"orpd"|"packsswb"|"packssdw"|"packuswb"|"paddb"|"paddw"|"paddd"|"paddq"|"paddq"|"paddsb"|"paddsw"|"paddusb"|"paddusw"|"pand"|"pandn"|"pause"|"pavgb"|"pavgw"|"pcmpeqb"|"pcmpeqw"|"pcmpeqd"|"pcmpgtb"|"pcmpgtw"|"pcmpgtd"|"pextrw"|"pinsrw"|"pmaddwd"|"pmaxsw"|"pmaxub"|"pminsw"|"pminub"|"pmovmskb"|"pmulhw"|"pmulhuw"|"pmullw"|"pmuludq"|"pmuludq"|"por"|"psadbw"|"pshufd"|"pshufhw"|"pshuflw"|"pslldq"|"psllw"|"pslld"|"psllq"|"psraw"|"psrad"|"psrldq"|"psrlw"|"psrld"|"psrlq"|"psubb"|"psubw"|"psubd"|"psubq"|"psubq"|"psubsb"|"psubsw"|"psubusb"|"psubusw"|"psubsb"|"punpckhbw"|"punpckhwd"|"punpckhdq"|"punpckhqdq"|"punpcklbw"|"punpcklwd"|"punpckldq"|"punpcklqdq"|"pxor"|"shufpd"|"sqrtpd"|"sqrtsd"|"subpd"|"subsd"|"ucomisd"|"unpckhpd"|"unpcklpd"|"xorpd") let ++sse2; print=1;;
"pavgusb"|"pfadd"|"pfsub"|"pfsubr"|"pfacc"|"pfcmpge"|"pfcmpgt"|"pfcmpeq"|"pfmin"|"pfmax"|"pi2fw"|"pi2fd"|"pf2iw"|"pf2id"|"pfrcp"|"pfrsqrt"|"pfmul"|"pfrcpit1"|"pfrsqit1"|"pfrcpit2"|"pmulhrw"|"pswapw"|"femms"|"prefetch") let ++amd; print=1;;
"pf2iw"|"pfnacc"|"pfpnacc"|"pi2fw"|"pswapd"|"maskmovq"|"movntq"|"pavgb"|"pavgw"|"pextrw"|"pinsrw"|"pmaxsw"|"pmaxub"|"pminsw"|"pminub"|"pmovmskb"|"pmulhuw"|"prefetchnta"|"prefetcht0"|"prefetcht1"|"prefetcht2"|"psadbw"|"pshufw"|"sfence") let ++amd2; print=1;;
"cpuid") let ++cpuid ++i586; print=1;;
# check if screen needs updating.
if test "$print"; then
case "$vendor" in
*intel*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u ppro: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u sse2: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $ppro $mmx $sse $sse2;;
*amd*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u 3dnow: %4u ext3dnow: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx $sse $amd $amd2;;
*cyrix*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx;;
*transmeta*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u mmx: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $mmx;;
*) printf "i486: %4u i586: %4u ppro: %4u mmx: %4u sse: %4u sse2: %4u\r" \
$i486 $i586 $ppro $mmx $sse $sse2;;
unset print
# print a newline
# cpuid instruction could mean the application checks to see
# if an instruction is supported before executing it. This might
# mean it will work on anything over a pentium.
if test $cpuid -gt 0; then
printf "\nThis binary was found to contain the cpuid instruction.\n"
printf "It may be able to conditionally execute instructions if\n"
printf "they are supported on the host (i586+).\n\n"
# print minimum required processor, if there are collissions
# use the vendor to decide what to print.
if test $sse2 -gt 0; then
subarch="Pentium IV (pentium4)"
elif test $sse -gt 0; then
if test "$vendor" == "intel"; then
subarch="Pentium III (pentium3)"
elif test "$vendor" == "amd"; then
subarch="AMD Athlon 4 (athlon-4)"
subarch="Pentium III (pentium3)"
elif test "$vendor" == "amd" -a $amd2 -gt 0; then
subarch="AMD Athlon (athlon)"
elif test "$vendor" == "amd" -a $amd -gt 0; then
subarch="AMD K6 III (k6-3)"
elif test $mmx -gt 0; then
if test "$vendor" == "intel"; then
if $ppro -gt 0; then
subarch="Pentium II (pentium2)"
subarch="Intel Pentium MMX [P55C] (pentium-mmx)"
elif test "$vendor" == "amd"; then
subarch="AMD K6 (k6)"
elif test "$vendor" == "cyrix"; then
subarch="Cyrix 6x86MX / MII (pentium-mmx)"
subarch="Intel Pentium MMX [P55C] (pentium-mmx)"
elif test $ppro -gt 0; then
subarch="Pentium Pro (i686 or pentiumpro)"
elif test $i586 -gt 0; then
subarch="Pentium or compatible (i586) (i586 or pentium)"
elif test $i486 -gt 0; then
subarch="80486 or comaptible (i486)"
subarch="80386 or compatible (i386)"
# print message and exit.
printf "%s will run on %s or higher processor.\n" "$1" "$subarch"; )
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2003-08-12 11:55 99% [gentoo-dev] Script to test instruction set Tavis Ormandy
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