Perhaps the modules-update could be extended to detect new kernels and
warn users or automatically update modules. This could also be
documented in Gentoo docs since this is a basic and common problem that
almost every Gentoo user may have.
Thanks for the patch!
On Wednesday 19 October 2005 06:36, Henrik Brix Andersen wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 11:32:19AM -0200, Herbert G. Fischer wrote:
> > - Patch kernel's "make" to warn at the end of "make modules_install"
> I think you should check out sys-kernel/module-rebuild
Actually, a combination of these might not be a bad idea.
Something like this (not tested):
if [ -n "$(which module-rebuild 2>/dev/null)" ] ; then
if [ -n "${AUTO_MODULE_REBUILD}" ] ; then
echo "Rebuilding external modules:"
module-rebuild ${MODULE_REBUILD_OPTIONS} rebuild
echo "You might want to rebuild the following external modules:"
module-rebuild -XC list | tail -n +2
echo "You can use module-rebuild to do that."
echo "If you want to have your external modules automatically rebuilt"
echo "when making a kernel's modules_install target, set"
echo "AUTO_MODULE_REBUILD in your environment. You can set"
echo "MODULE_REBUILD_OPTIONS to options to pass to module-rebuild."
echo "(-X for example)"
echo "You might want to emerge sys-kernel/module-rebuild to keep track of"
echo "kernel modules you've installed with emerge"