On Wed, 2019-06-05 at 12:15 -0400, Michael Orlitzky wrote: > Should we require a mailing list review for new user/group packages? > > It's difficult to modify a user once you've settled on a UID, home > directory, and shell; so it pays to get things right the first time. Sounds like a good idea. I'll keep in mind for the next iteration of this GLEP. > The need is more apparent with fixed UIDs: if a popular package "steals" > a UID that some other package needs, then that other package is going to > be difficult or impossible to install (especially if it ultimately > depends on the popular package). > > A mailing list review could elicit a "hey, my package NEEDS that UID, > and yours doesn't care" before it's too late. I've already seen a major issue today: we have multiple packages using 'git' user and requiring different setup for it (e.g. home directory). This is already a big problem, and having proper review should decrease the chance of things like this happening again. And yes, we will need to figure out a good solution once we start porting users. -- Best regards, Michał Górny