On 31/03/2008, Thilo Bangert wrote: > > > Please think things through before asking to have pkgcore's bugs > > 'fixed' via specification next time... > > maybe my english language skills or social interaction qualities are > failing me, but i find the above sentence highly offensive. pkgcore crashes on ebuilds with explicit -r0 in the PV, which led to Brian Harring bringing this entire discussion up in the first place. Rather than getting pkgcore to handle -r0 correctly, he decided to try and get it banned through the specification. Please note, the above does not imply anything about my feelings towards the original proposal, so please don't take it as such. I really couldn't care less what you decide to do or not do. am i too thin skinned for gentoo-dev? > > In this particular case, I'd say yes :-) -- Anders Ossowicki