Hallo Gentoo-dev ML, some major changes in media-video/vdr-1.7.27:overlay vdr-devel needs some rewrite in the vdr-plugin.eclass History: - =vdr-1.5.7 has convertet to gettext for language handling, i18n handling still available, but marked as deprecated - >=vdr-1.7.27 only gettext handling, i18n obsolet most plugin developer has converted the plugins to use gettext language handling, but for backwards compatibility to =vdr-1.7.27 the plugins with obsolet i18n language handling will failed on compile this needs a major rewrite in some parts of the vdr-plugin.eclass attached: vdr-plugin-2.eclass diff for vdr-plugin.eclass vdr-plugin-2.eclass vdr-plugin-2.eclass is still supporting the latest media-video/vdr and his plugins in portage vdr-plugin-2.eclass is reduced to support only eapi=4 vdr-plugin-2.eclass supports now also LINGUAS= Please review.... Best Regards Joerg -- Gentoo Developer mailto: hd_brummy@gentoo.org http://www.gentoo.org/