On Sun, 20 Sep 2009 08:55:00 +1200
Alistair Bush <
ali_bush@gentoo.org> wrote:
> > Stabilization of Python 3.1.* will be requested at the beginning of
> > november. There was a suggestion to create a news item which would inform
> > users that temporarily they shouldn't switch to Python 3 as their main
> > interpreter. Python ebuilds don't automatically activate Python 3, so I'm
> > not sure if the news item is required. What is your opinion about it?
> >
> Stablise.
> And to pacify all the cry babies out there could we update portage tools to
> call /usr/bin/python2.6 directly? (yes I realise this will break, but at least
> it is a suggestion) Or how about we (remove python3.1 from the menu)/(stick
> a big fat warning message)/(do something else) on eselect-python. Or create a
> "system-python" link that all gentoo core apps use instead of /usr/bin/python
> (longer term solution?). [rant]Hell maybe we could even start using those
> slot dep thingy me bobbies to depend only a slot. So ppl don't have python3.1
> unless something depends on it. Does portage have support for slots in world?
> [/rant]