I think the problem is that Gentoo is falling into the same sandtrap the > Debian project has been mired in forever. "arch" and "~arch" are > polarizing > into "stable, but horribly out of date", and "maybe it will work". > > This leads to people trying to maintain a > frankenstinian /etc/portage/package.keywords file, constantly adding to it > and never knowing when things can be removed from it. > > I would suggest opening a middle ground tag, where things can be moved to > from > "~arch" when they work for reasonable configuration values, but still have > open bugs for some people. > > That way, people who prefer stability over the latest features can run > "arch", > and everyone who bitches about packages being out of date can run the > middle > tag, and "~arch" can be kept for testing. > -- > gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list > > Or maybe we could move to a fixed release cycle. Debian uses 18 (?) months, but maybe a 3- or 6-month release cycle would suit us better Jeff. -- ------------------------------------------------------ Argument against Linux number 6,033: "...So this is like most Linux viruses. You have to download the virus yourself, become root, install it and then run it. Seems like a lot of work just to experience what you can get on Windows with a lot less trouble."