* [gentoo-dev] macos mess
@ 2004-07-24 11:34 Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-
2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.- @ 2004-07-24 11:34 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
The repoman output generated from the macos keywording is getting out of hand.
Something needs to be done to address this soon:
app-admin/makepasswd/makepasswd-1.10.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl'] app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep', 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'dev-lang/perl']
app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep', 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'sys-devel/patch', 'dev-lang/perl']
app-editors/nano/nano-1.3.3-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
app-emacs/apel/apel-10.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs'] app-emacs/flim/flim-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs'] app-emacs/limit/limit-1.14.8_pre20040415.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
app-emacs/riece/riece-1.0.1.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs'] app-emacs/semi/semi-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs'] app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs', 'sys-devel/patch']
app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs'] app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.11.30_pre20040618.ebuild: ~macos ['app-editors/emacs']
app-i18n/skk-jisyo/skk-jisyo-200407.ebuild: macos ['app-arch/gzip'] app-portage/gentoolkit-dev/gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre3.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4', '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6'] app-portage/gentoolkit/gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre8.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4', '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
app-portage/splat/splat-0.08.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
app-text/dos2unix/dos2unix-3.1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
app-text/htmltidy/htmltidy-3.10.29.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.5', '>=sys-devel/automake-1.5', 'sys-devel/patch']
app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby', 'app-editors/emacs'] app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby']
app-text/unix2dos/unix2dos-2.2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc'] dev-lang/swi-prolog-lite/swi-prolog-lite-5.3.14.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/sed', 'sys-apps/gawk'] dev-libs/glib/glib-2.4.4.ebuild: ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool']
dev-python/readline/readline-2.3.3.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-lang/python-2.3.3'] dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch'] dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby']
dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby']
dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3', 'sys-devel/patch']
dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3']
mail-client/mutt/mutt-1.5.6-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/automake', 'sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-libs/gdbm', 'sys-devel/patch', '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
media-libs/audiofile/audiofile-0.2.6-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/libtool', 'sys-devel/patch']
media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-devel/patch']
media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-devel/patch']
media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
media-libs/libid3tag/libid3tag-0.15.1b.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3']
media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos ['>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b']
media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool', '>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b', 'sys-devel/patch']
media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*', 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*']
media-sound/madplay/madplay-0.15.2b.ebuild: macos ['media-sound/esound']
net-analyzer/darkstat/darkstat-2.6-r1.ebuild: macos ['>=net-libs/libpcap-0.7.1', 'sys-devel/patch']
net-analyzer/netperf/netperf-2.2.4.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-apps/sed-4']
net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl', '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.13', 'sys-devel/patch', '>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26']
net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26', '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl']
net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6b']
net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-devel/patch']
net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3', 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-darwin/X11', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a', '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b', 'dev-libs/DirectFB']
net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3', 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-darwin/X11', 'sys-devel/automake', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a', '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b', 'dev-libs/DirectFB', 'sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-devel/gcc']
net-www/lynx/lynx-2.8.5.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3', '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
sys-devel/gettext/gettext-0.12.1-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
sys-devel/gnuconfig/gnuconfig-20040214.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2', 'sys-devel/patch']
sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2']
x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11', '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.52', 'sys-devel/patch']
x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11']
Michael Sterrett
-Mr. Bones.-
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 11:34 [gentoo-dev] macos mess Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-
@ 2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
` (2 more replies)
0 siblings, 3 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 16:54 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
There are two types of Gentoo MacOS users: There is the user who wants
to extend his Mac OS X system with packages that didn't came
pre-installed (like tetex, kde, mysql, prolog, ,... ) Then there's the
user who wants to use Gentoo to rebuild parts of his Mac OS X operating
system (a new kernel, python with readline support, ...) or just build
a Darwin system from scratch without the fancy Apple stuff.
Several devs work on making Gentoo MacOS work for both users.
Everything happens in parallel.
Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is broken?
Developers that work for users of the first type, keyword packages
against a virtual base system. The entire base system (all packages
provided by apple) is injected into the depgraph and locked down by a
profile. A user cannot upgrade or downgrade Apple provided stuff,
unless the user really insists on doing so. Repoman on linux complains
about broken macos depgraph because the macos base system obviously
isn't injected into the depgraph under linux.
There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
1. make repoman not do macos QA under linux
Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
--emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of work.
2. make repoman macos aware
This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
term solution.
Opened a bug about persistent injected packages. (Also needed to make
--emptytree work on macos, since --emptytree also removes the injected
base system).
3. add empty ebuilds keyworded "-* macos" for everything that gets
Requires 300 empty ebuilds to be added for each macos profile. This is
a hack around a portage bug that prevents a package from being purely
virtual. There needs to be at least an empty ebuild.
The problem with the workaround is that if a linux user uses the
'ignore keywords' syntax: emerge ./macos.ebuild that will break their
4. change every ebuild that depends on the macos base system by making
the base system dependencies conditional.
How many ebuilds depend on 300 ebuilds? How many dependencies need to
be changed per ebuild? What about base system evolution?
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
On 24 Jul 2004, at 13:34, Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.- wrote:
> The repoman output generated from the macos keywording is getting out
> of hand.
> Something needs to be done to address this soon:
> app-admin/makepasswd/makepasswd-1.10.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
> app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep',
> 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'dev-lang/perl']
> app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep',
> 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'sys-devel/patch', 'dev-lang/perl']
> app-editors/nano/nano-1.3.3-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
> app-emacs/apel/apel-10.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/flim/flim-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/limit/limit-1.14.8_pre20040415.ebuild: macos
> ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/riece/riece-1.0.1.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/semi/semi-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
> ['app-editors/emacs', 'sys-devel/patch']
> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
> ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.11.30_pre20040618.ebuild: ~macos
> ['app-editors/emacs']
> app-i18n/skk-jisyo/skk-jisyo-200407.ebuild: macos ['app-arch/gzip']
> app-portage/gentoolkit-dev/gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre3.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
> app-portage/gentoolkit/gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre8.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
> app-portage/splat/splat-0.08.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
> app-text/dos2unix/dos2unix-3.1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
> app-text/htmltidy/htmltidy-3.10.29.ebuild: macos
> ['>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.5', '>=sys-devel/automake-1.5',
> 'sys-devel/patch']
> app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby',
> 'app-editors/emacs'] app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['dev-lang/ruby']
> app-text/unix2dos/unix2dos-2.2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch',
> 'sys-devel/gcc']
> dev-lang/swi-prolog-lite/swi-prolog-lite-5.3.14.ebuild: macos
> ['sys-apps/sed', 'sys-apps/gawk'] dev-libs/glib/glib-2.4.4.ebuild:
> ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool']
> dev-python/readline/readline-2.3.3.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.3.3']
> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['dev-lang/ruby']
> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby']
> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3', 'sys-devel/patch']
> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3']
> mail-client/mutt/mutt-1.5.6-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/automake',
> 'sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-libs/gdbm', 'sys-devel/patch',
> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
> media-libs/audiofile/audiofile-0.2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['sys-devel/libtool', 'sys-devel/patch']
> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
> 'sys-devel/patch']
> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
> 'sys-devel/patch']
> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
> media-libs/libid3tag/libid3tag-0.15.1b.ebuild: macos
> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3']
> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos
> ['>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b']
> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool',
> '>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b',
> 'sys-devel/patch']
> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*',
> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*']
> media-sound/madplay/madplay-0.15.2b.ebuild: macos
> ['media-sound/esound']
> net-analyzer/darkstat/darkstat-2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
> ['>=net-libs/libpcap-0.7.1', 'sys-devel/patch']
> net-analyzer/netperf/netperf-2.2.4.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-apps/sed-4']
> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl',
> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.13', 'sys-devel/patch',
> '>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26']
> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26',
> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl']
> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6b']
> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/autoconf',
> 'sys-devel/patch']
> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
> 'sys-darwin/X11', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a', '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b',
> 'dev-libs/DirectFB']
> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
> 'sys-darwin/X11', 'sys-devel/automake', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a',
> '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b', 'dev-libs/DirectFB', 'sys-devel/autoconf',
> 'sys-devel/gcc']
> net-www/lynx/lynx-2.8.5.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3',
> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
> sys-devel/gettext/gettext-0.12.1-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
> sys-devel/gnuconfig/gnuconfig-20040214.ebuild: macos
> ['sys-devel/patch']
> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2', 'sys-devel/patch']
> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2']
> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11',
> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.52', 'sys-devel/patch']
> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11']
> Michael Sterrett
> -Mr. Bones.-
> mr_bones_@gentoo.org
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 17:58 ` Travis Tilley
2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
2004-07-25 1:26 ` [gentoo-dev] macos mess Jason Stubbs
2 siblings, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 16:59 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 12:54 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
everything you described seems like a big old hack
why not update your profile to point all your 'virtual packages' at a real
virtual package ... it can be done with adding all your 300+ hacked entries
to the virtuals file ... that should fix all the errors
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 17:58 ` Travis Tilley
2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Travis Tilley @ 2004-07-24 17:58 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
repoman is currently a broken piece of shit and will probably remain so until
after the pre14 release. #gentoo-dev is quite familiar with my complaining,
and i cant seem to get repoman to work at all without some patching...
now if repoman successfully completes on macos but not anywhere else, i
suggest the problem is probably similar to one i had and repoman is using
mr_bones's current profile for macos when it shouldnt.
i would HIGHLY suggest everyone stop debating about how to make repoman handle
macos and first try this patch:
if that doesnt help the situation any, feel free to ignore me and continue
debating. :) however, that patch gets rid of a lot of the false positives i
get on amd64... between that and one or two other patches, repoman is
actually usable. go figure. maybe after pre14 i can stop complaining. ^_^
Travis Tilley <lv@gentoo.org>
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 17:58 ` Travis Tilley
@ 2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 19:10 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 19:24 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 18:36 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Mike Frysinger; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 24 Jul 2004, at 18:59, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Saturday 24 July 2004 12:54 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
> everything you described seems like a big old hack
> why not update your profile to point all your 'virtual packages' at a
> real
> virtual package ... it can be done with adding all your 300+ hacked
> entries
> to the virtuals file ... that should fix all the errors
I didn't do that because that doesn't work.
Try adding
app-shells/bash sys-libs/libsystem
to your profile virtuals, then try to emerge bash.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> -mike
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 19:10 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 19:24 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 19:10 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 02:36 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> I didn't do that because that doesn't work.
i was refering to fixing repoman errors, and it does work for that
you already talked about how you hack around injecting the virtual packages, i
dont really care about that
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 19:10 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 19:24 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 19:30 ` Mike Frysinger
1 sibling, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 19:24 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Pieter Van den Abeele; +Cc: Mike Frysinger, gentoo-dev
On 24 Jul 2004, at 20:36, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> On 24 Jul 2004, at 18:59, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> On Saturday 24 July 2004 12:54 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>>> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
>> everything you described seems like a big old hack
>> why not update your profile to point all your 'virtual packages' at a
>> real
>> virtual package ... it can be done with adding all your 300+ hacked
>> entries
>> to the virtuals file ... that should fix all the errors
> I didn't do that because that doesn't work.
> Try adding
> app-shells/bash sys-libs/libsystem
> to your profile virtuals, then try to emerge bash.
Also, how do versions come into play?
obviously emerge fakeA-1.0 would be realized by real-1.0 and fakeB-2.0
would be realized by real-2.0. I don't think portage allows to specify
some form of version-relation between a virtual and its realization,
right? Like, libsystem-7.1 provides bash-3, xfree-435 , .... In portage
.51_pre13, can the same package provides, multiple virtuals, each with
an appropriate version.
> Best regards,
> Pieter Van den Abeele
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 19:24 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 19:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 19:58 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 19:30 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 03:24 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> Also, how do versions come into play?
i'm not proposing a solution to people using macos, like i said, i dont care
about that
i was giving a solution to the repoman crap that the macos KEYWORD has left in
the tree
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 19:30 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 19:58 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:31 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 19:58 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Mike Frysinger; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
I've appended the packages.build file contents to the virtuals file
content in the macos repoman profile (10.3).
Please let me know if repoman still complains.
On 24 Jul 2004, at 21:30, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Saturday 24 July 2004 03:24 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> Also, how do versions come into play?
> i'm not proposing a solution to people using macos, like i said, i
> dont care
> about that
> i was giving a solution to the repoman crap that the macos KEYWORD has
> left in
> the tree
> -mike
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
2004-07-24 22:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 1:26 ` [gentoo-dev] macos mess Jason Stubbs
2 siblings, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Joshua Brindle @ 2004-07-24 20:54 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Pieter Van den Abeele; +Cc: Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-, gentoo-dev
Here's a better idea..
How about we remove this macos junk from the tree and you can give your
users an overlay tarball?
also sys-darwin and app-macos, I never saw these categories come across
the list for approval (though I might have missed it since I don't care
about macos at all). Were these approved? If not they should be removed
asap, I can't see any justification for making new categories for these
programs (but as I already said I'd prefer this stuff not be in portage
at all).
Joshua Brindle
Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> Hi,
> There are two types of Gentoo MacOS users: There is the user who wants
> to extend his Mac OS X system with packages that didn't came
> pre-installed (like tetex, kde, mysql, prolog, ,... ) Then there's the
> user who wants to use Gentoo to rebuild parts of his Mac OS X
> operating system (a new kernel, python with readline support, ...) or
> just build a Darwin system from scratch without the fancy Apple stuff.
> Several devs work on making Gentoo MacOS work for both users.
> Everything happens in parallel.
> Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is broken?
> Developers that work for users of the first type, keyword packages
> against a virtual base system. The entire base system (all packages
> provided by apple) is injected into the depgraph and locked down by a
> profile. A user cannot upgrade or downgrade Apple provided stuff,
> unless the user really insists on doing so. Repoman on linux complains
> about broken macos depgraph because the macos base system obviously
> isn't injected into the depgraph under linux.
> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
> 1. make repoman not do macos QA under linux
> Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
> broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
> --emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of work.
> 2. make repoman macos aware
> This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
> profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
> require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
> term solution.
> Opened a bug about persistent injected packages. (Also needed to make
> --emptytree work on macos, since --emptytree also removes the injected
> base system).
> 3. add empty ebuilds keyworded "-* macos" for everything that gets
> injected.
> Requires 300 empty ebuilds to be added for each macos profile. This is
> a hack around a portage bug that prevents a package from being purely
> virtual. There needs to be at least an empty ebuild.
> The problem with the workaround is that if a linux user uses the
> 'ignore keywords' syntax: emerge ./macos.ebuild that will break their
> system.
> 4. change every ebuild that depends on the macos base system by making
> the base system dependencies conditional.
> How many ebuilds depend on 300 ebuilds? How many dependencies need to
> be changed per ebuild? What about base system evolution?
> Best regards,
> Pieter Van den Abeele
> On 24 Jul 2004, at 13:34, Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.- wrote:
>> The repoman output generated from the macos keywording is getting out
>> of hand.
>> Something needs to be done to address this soon:
>> app-admin/makepasswd/makepasswd-1.10.ebuild: macos
>> ['dev-lang/perl'] app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos
>> ['sys-apps/grep', 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'dev-lang/perl']
>> app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep',
>> 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'sys-devel/patch', 'dev-lang/perl']
>> app-editors/nano/nano-1.3.3-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>> app-emacs/apel/apel-10.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/flim/flim-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/limit/limit-1.14.8_pre20040415.ebuild: macos
>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/riece/riece-1.0.1.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/semi/semi-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
>> ['app-editors/emacs', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.11.30_pre20040618.ebuild: ~macos
>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>> app-i18n/skk-jisyo/skk-jisyo-200407.ebuild: macos
>> ['app-arch/gzip']
>> app-portage/gentoolkit-dev/gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre3.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
>> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
>> app-portage/gentoolkit/gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre8.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
>> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
>> app-portage/splat/splat-0.08.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
>> app-text/dos2unix/dos2unix-3.1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>> app-text/htmltidy/htmltidy-3.10.29.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.5', '>=sys-devel/automake-1.5',
>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>> app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby',
>> 'app-editors/emacs'] app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['dev-lang/ruby']
>> app-text/unix2dos/unix2dos-2.2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch',
>> 'sys-devel/gcc']
>> dev-lang/swi-prolog-lite/swi-prolog-lite-5.3.14.ebuild: macos
>> ['sys-apps/sed', 'sys-apps/gawk'] dev-libs/glib/glib-2.4.4.ebuild:
>> ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool']
>> dev-python/readline/readline-2.3.3.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.3.3']
>> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['dev-lang/ruby']
>> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby']
>> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3']
>> mail-client/mutt/mutt-1.5.6-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/automake',
>> 'sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-libs/gdbm', 'sys-devel/patch',
>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
>> media-libs/audiofile/audiofile-0.2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['sys-devel/libtool', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>> media-libs/libid3tag/libid3tag-0.15.1b.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3']
>> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
>> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
>> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos
>> ['>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b']
>> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool',
>> '>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b',
>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*',
>> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
>> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*']
>> media-sound/madplay/madplay-0.15.2b.ebuild: macos ['media-sound/esound']
>> net-analyzer/darkstat/darkstat-2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=net-libs/libpcap-0.7.1', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> net-analyzer/netperf/netperf-2.2.4.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-apps/sed-4']
>> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl',
>> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.13', 'sys-devel/patch',
>> '>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26']
>> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26',
>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl']
>> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6b']
>> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/autoconf',
>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
>> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
>> 'sys-darwin/X11', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a', '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b',
>> 'dev-libs/DirectFB']
>> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
>> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
>> 'sys-darwin/X11', 'sys-devel/automake', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a',
>> '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b', 'dev-libs/DirectFB', 'sys-devel/autoconf',
>> 'sys-devel/gcc']
>> net-www/lynx/lynx-2.8.5.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3',
>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
>> sys-devel/gettext/gettext-0.12.1-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>> sys-devel/gnuconfig/gnuconfig-20040214.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2']
>> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11',
>> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.52', 'sys-devel/patch']
>> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11']
>> Michael Sterrett
>> -Mr. Bones.-
>> mr_bones_@gentoo.org
>> --
>> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
@ 2004-07-24 22:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 22:30 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 04:54 pm, Joshua Brindle wrote:
> How about we remove this macos junk from the tree and you can give your
> users an overlay tarball?
because the idea is to get it merged cleanly with the main tree
> also sys-darwin and app-macos, I never saw these categories come across
> the list for approval (though I might have missed it since I don't care
> about macos at all). Were these approved? If not they should be removed
> asap, I can't see any justification for making new categories for these
> programs (but as I already said I'd prefer this stuff not be in portage
> at all).
no one asked but then again the dirs look empty to me so there isnt anything
to discuss ...
lets keep the flames down shall we
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
2004-07-24 22:30 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
1 sibling, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 23:18 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Joshua Brindle; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 24 Jul 2004, at 22:54, Joshua Brindle wrote:
> also sys-darwin and app-macos, I never saw these categories come
> across the list for approval (though I might have missed it since I
> don't care about macos at all). Were these approved? If not they
> should be removed asap, I can't see any justification for making new
> categories for these programs (but as I already said I'd prefer this
> stuff not be in portage at all).
We discussed the proposal on the ml and in the first roadmap meeting,
which was announced on core. The empty directories were created well in
advance (with .keep files explaining the reasoning behind them in the
cvs log) to allow developers to react and make suggestions about it.
The reasoning behind both:
- app-macos contains apps that do not depend on anything but a regular
mac os x system. A good example of such an app is the GPL'ed OS X
Desktop Manager which implements virtual desktops on OS X.
http://wsmanager.sourceforge.net/index.php Most of the time these
packages are Mac OS X only, open source and don't fit any other
category. Ebuilds for the popular Mac OS X Tiger widgets, (Tiny
applications like a calculator, a stock ticker, ...) Mac OS X icon
sets, ... Maybe also our own (probably cocoa) portage GUI, but that
would fit app-portage. (of course open for discussion) Things like
popular Mac OS X only IM clients can of course be fitted in net-im etc.
- sys-darwin contains ebuilds for software that is very very darwin
(mostly kerneldriver) specific. I was thinking of things like (just a
quick cut/paste):
Anyway, this stuff is obviously open for discussion, just like
everything else I did/do/am going to do.
I created both empty directories a week or two ago, because I figured
if somebody didn't like them he would bring them up on the ml and have
them renamed to something even better if needed. At the time I thought
they were kosher. Nothing to have nightmares about. (I hope)
Suggestions welcome of course.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> Joshua Brindle
> Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There are two types of Gentoo MacOS users: There is the user who
>> wants to extend his Mac OS X system with packages that didn't came
>> pre-installed (like tetex, kde, mysql, prolog, ,... ) Then there's
>> the user who wants to use Gentoo to rebuild parts of his Mac OS X
>> operating system (a new kernel, python with readline support, ...) or
>> just build a Darwin system from scratch without the fancy Apple
>> stuff.
>> Several devs work on making Gentoo MacOS work for both users.
>> Everything happens in parallel.
>> Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is
>> broken? Developers that work for users of the first type, keyword
>> packages against a virtual base system. The entire base system (all
>> packages provided by apple) is injected into the depgraph and locked
>> down by a profile. A user cannot upgrade or downgrade Apple provided
>> stuff, unless the user really insists on doing so. Repoman on linux
>> complains about broken macos depgraph because the macos base system
>> obviously isn't injected into the depgraph under linux.
>> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
>> 1. make repoman not do macos QA under linux
>> Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
>> broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
>> --emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of
>> work.
>> 2. make repoman macos aware
>> This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
>> profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
>> require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
>> term solution.
>> Opened a bug about persistent injected packages. (Also needed to make
>> --emptytree work on macos, since --emptytree also removes the
>> injected base system).
>> 3. add empty ebuilds keyworded "-* macos" for everything that gets
>> injected.
>> Requires 300 empty ebuilds to be added for each macos profile. This
>> is a hack around a portage bug that prevents a package from being
>> purely virtual. There needs to be at least an empty ebuild.
>> The problem with the workaround is that if a linux user uses the
>> 'ignore keywords' syntax: emerge ./macos.ebuild that will break their
>> system.
>> 4. change every ebuild that depends on the macos base system by
>> making the base system dependencies conditional.
>> How many ebuilds depend on 300 ebuilds? How many dependencies need to
>> be changed per ebuild? What about base system evolution?
>> Best regards,
>> Pieter Van den Abeele
>> On 24 Jul 2004, at 13:34, Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.- wrote:
>>> The repoman output generated from the macos keywording is getting
>>> out of hand.
>>> Something needs to be done to address this soon:
>>> app-admin/makepasswd/makepasswd-1.10.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
>>> app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep',
>>> 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'dev-lang/perl']
>>> app-admin/passook/passook-1.0.0.ebuild: macos ['sys-apps/grep',
>>> 'sys-apps/miscfiles', 'sys-devel/patch', 'dev-lang/perl']
>>> app-editors/nano/nano-1.3.3-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>>> app-emacs/apel/apel-10.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/flim/flim-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/limit/limit-1.14.8_pre20040415.ebuild: macos
>>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/riece/riece-1.0.1.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/semi/semi-1.14.6.ebuild: macos ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
>>> ['app-editors/emacs', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.10.1-r2.ebuild: macos
>>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-emacs/wanderlust/wanderlust-2.11.30_pre20040618.ebuild: ~macos
>>> ['app-editors/emacs']
>>> app-i18n/skk-jisyo/skk-jisyo-200407.ebuild: macos ['app-arch/gzip']
>>> app-portage/gentoolkit-dev/gentoolkit-dev-0.2.0_pre3.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
>>> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
>>> app-portage/gentoolkit/gentoolkit-0.2.0_pre8.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.0', '>=sys-apps/grep-2.4',
>>> '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.50', '>=dev-lang/perl-5.6']
>>> app-portage/splat/splat-0.08.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/perl']
>>> app-text/dos2unix/dos2unix-3.1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>>> app-text/htmltidy/htmltidy-3.10.29.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.5', '>=sys-devel/automake-1.5',
>>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos ['dev-lang/ruby',
>>> 'app-editors/emacs'] app-text/migemo/migemo-0.40-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['dev-lang/ruby']
>>> app-text/unix2dos/unix2dos-2.2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch',
>>> 'sys-devel/gcc']
>>> dev-lang/swi-prolog-lite/swi-prolog-lite-5.3.14.ebuild: macos
>>> ['sys-apps/sed', 'sys-apps/gawk']
>>> dev-libs/glib/glib-2.4.4.ebuild: ~macos ['sys-devel/libtool']
>>> dev-python/readline/readline-2.3.3.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-lang/python-2.3.3']
>>> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> dev-ruby/ruby-bsearch/ruby-bsearch-1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['dev-lang/ruby']
>>> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['dev-lang/ruby', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> dev-ruby/ruby-romkan/ruby-romkan-0.4-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['dev-lang/ruby']
>>> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> dev-util/dialog/dialog-0.9_beta20031207.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.04-r3']
>>> mail-client/mutt/mutt-1.5.6-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/automake',
>>> 'sys-devel/autoconf', 'sys-libs/gdbm', 'sys-devel/patch',
>>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
>>> media-libs/audiofile/audiofile-0.2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['sys-devel/libtool', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['sys-libs/zlib', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
>>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> media-libs/freetype/freetype-2.1.5.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>>> media-libs/libid3tag/libid3tag-0.15.1b.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3']
>>> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib',
>>> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
>>> media-libs/libpng/libpng-1.2.5-r7.ebuild: macos ['sys-libs/zlib']
>>> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos
>>> ['>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2', '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b']
>>> media-sound/esound/esound-0.2.34.ebuild: ~macos
>>> ['sys-devel/libtool', '>=sys-apps/tcp-wrappers-7.6-r2',
>>> '>=media-libs/alsa-lib-0.5.10b', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*',
>>> 'sys-devel/patch', 'sys-devel/gcc']
>>> media-sound/lame/lame-3.96.ebuild: macos ['=x11-libs/gtk+-1.2*']
>>> media-sound/madplay/madplay-0.15.2b.ebuild: macos
>>> ['media-sound/esound']
>>> net-analyzer/darkstat/darkstat-2.6-r1.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=net-libs/libpcap-0.7.1', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> net-analyzer/netperf/netperf-2.2.4.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-apps/sed-4']
>>> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl',
>>> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.13', 'sys-devel/patch',
>>> '>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26']
>>> net-libs/libwww/libwww-5.4.0-r2.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.4', '>=dev-db/mysql-3.23.26',
>>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6', 'dev-lang/perl']
>>> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6b']
>>> net-misc/wget/wget-1.9.1-r2.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/autoconf',
>>> 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
>>> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
>>> 'sys-darwin/X11', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a', '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b',
>>> 'dev-libs/DirectFB']
>>> net-www/links/links-2.1_pre15.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6c', '>=media-libs/svgalib-1.4.3',
>>> 'sys-libs/gpm', '>=media-libs/tiff-3.5.7', 'sys-libs/zlib',
>>> 'sys-darwin/X11', 'sys-devel/automake', '>=sys-devel/flex-2.5.4a',
>>> '>=media-libs/jpeg-6b', 'dev-libs/DirectFB', 'sys-devel/autoconf',
>>> 'sys-devel/gcc']
>>> net-www/lynx/lynx-2.8.5.ebuild: macos ['>=sys-libs/zlib-1.1.3',
>>> '>=dev-libs/openssl-0.9.6']
>>> sys-devel/gettext/gettext-0.12.1-r1.ebuild: macos ['sys-devel/patch']
>>> sys-devel/gnuconfig/gnuconfig-20040214.ebuild: macos
>>> ['sys-devel/patch']
>>> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> sys-libs/readline/readline-4.3-r6.ebuild: macos
>>> ['>=app-shells/bash-2.05b-r2']
>>> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11',
>>> '>=sys-devel/autoconf-2.52', 'sys-devel/patch']
>>> x11-wm/fluxbox/fluxbox-0.9.9.ebuild: macos ['sys-darwin/X11']
>>> Michael Sterrett
>>> -Mr. Bones.-
>>> mr_bones_@gentoo.org
>>> --
>>> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
>> --
>> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 23:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 23:51 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
1 sibling, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 23:30 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 07:18 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> We discussed the proposal on the ml and in the first roadmap meeting,
> which was announced on core. The empty directories were created well in
> advance (with .keep files explaining the reasoning behind them in the
> cvs log) to allow developers to react and make suggestions about it.
putting the .keep files in there is pointless, there's no point in making sure
empty directories show up
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 19:58 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 23:31 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:56 ` Mike Frysinger
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 23:31 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Pieter Van den Abeele; +Cc: Mike Frysinger, gentoo-dev
I've changed my mind. I'm not going to change the virtual file
semantics in the MacOS profiles to get repoman to stop complaining.
Instead I wrote a small (4 lines) patch for repoman which does the
When repoman detects a macos-specific unsatisfied dependency it will
check the packages.build file, which on macos specifies the packages
that are injected as base system. (Packages.build normally specifies
what is in a stage1.) If the dependency is mentioned in that file, the
dependency is considered satisfied.
I wasn't able to test the file because I couldn't get repoman to
complain about macos on any of my linux systems in the first place.
(sparc64, x86 and ppc, standard portage .51_pre13). Not sure why, but
it ain't kosher. (My machines are on the net, feel free to ask for an
account and investigate) Lv got his portage to complain about macos
after patching it with the patch mentioned earlier in this thread.
http://www.metadistribution.org/gentoo/macos-support.patch for the
untested patch, I hope it illustrates the idea.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
On 24 Jul 2004, at 21:58, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> I've appended the packages.build file contents to the virtuals file
> content in the macos repoman profile (10.3).
> Please let me know if repoman still complains.
> Pieter
> On 24 Jul 2004, at 21:30, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> On Saturday 24 July 2004 03:24 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>>> Also, how do versions come into play?
>> i'm not proposing a solution to people using macos, like i said, i
>> dont care
>> about that
>> i was giving a solution to the repoman crap that the macos KEYWORD
>> has left in
>> the tree
>> -mike
>> --
>> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:30 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-24 23:51 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:58 ` Ciaran McCreesh
2004-07-25 0:03 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-24 23:51 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Mike Frysinger; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
Unless you want them to be visible well in advance for discussion to
take place.
I doubt much of stuff in the other categories is going to depend on
them, so they can be renamed at any time.
On 25 Jul 2004, at 01:30, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Saturday 24 July 2004 07:18 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> We discussed the proposal on the ml and in the first roadmap meeting,
>> which was announced on core. The empty directories were created well
>> in
>> advance (with .keep files explaining the reasoning behind them in the
>> cvs log) to allow developers to react and make suggestions about it.
> putting the .keep files in there is pointless, there's no point in
> making sure
> empty directories show up
> -mike
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:31 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 23:56 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 0:21 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-24 23:56 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Saturday 24 July 2004 07:31 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> I've changed my mind. I'm not going to change the virtual file
> semantics in the MacOS profiles to get repoman to stop complaining.
> Instead I wrote a small (4 lines) patch for repoman which does the
> folowing:
> When repoman detects a macos-specific unsatisfied dependency it will
> check the packages.build file
that's a pretty ugly hack
are you suggesting we do this with every new random arch we add that isnt a
standard linux port ? seems like an unintuitive workaround
why not push something a little more intelligent ... perhaps a new file for
portage to utilize in cases like this ... the profile has a special file
where you can define packages that are assumed to be satisified
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:51 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-24 23:58 ` Ciaran McCreesh
2004-07-25 0:25 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 0:03 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Ciaran McCreesh @ 2004-07-24 23:58 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 840 bytes --]
On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 01:51:38 +0200 Pieter Van den Abeele
<pvdabeel@gentoo.org> wrote:
| Unless you want them to be visible well in advance for discussion to
| take place.
| I doubt much of stuff in the other categories is going to depend on
| them, so they can be renamed at any time.
What's wrong with posting to -dev saying "I intend to create the
following categories, what do people think?"? No need to create them in
advance that way, which is especially helpful given how bad cvs is at
handling directories... Adding the directories and the categories entry
without discussing it gives the impression that it's already set in
stone and no longer an item up for discussion.
Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Sparc, MIPS, Vim, Fluxbox)
Mail : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm
[-- Attachment #2: Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 189 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:51 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:58 ` Ciaran McCreesh
@ 2004-07-25 0:03 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 0:03 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Pieter Van den Abeele; +Cc: gentoo-dev
An example of an ebuild that could fit the app-macos category. I
downloaded this from the net.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
# Copyright 2004 Rich Wareham
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# This is a pretty rough e-build. It does just enough and is pretty
ugly. You'll need Xcode.
DESCRIPTION="A Virtual Desktop manager for OS X"
src_compile() {
cd ${WORKDIR}/${PN}
xcodebuild -target "Desktop Manager" -buildstyle Deployment
src_install() {
cd ${WORKDIR}/${PN}
mkdir ${D}/Applications/
cp -Rp "build/Desktop Manager.app" "${D}/Applications/Desktop
On 25 Jul 2004, at 01:51, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> Unless you want them to be visible well in advance for discussion to
> take place.
> I doubt much of stuff in the other categories is going to depend on
> them, so they can be renamed at any time.
> Pieter
> On 25 Jul 2004, at 01:30, Mike Frysinger wrote:
>> On Saturday 24 July 2004 07:18 pm, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>>> We discussed the proposal on the ml and in the first roadmap meeting,
>>> which was announced on core. The empty directories were created well
>>> in
>>> advance (with .keep files explaining the reasoning behind them in the
>>> cvs log) to allow developers to react and make suggestions about it.
>> putting the .keep files in there is pointless, there's no point in
>> making sure
>> empty directories show up
>> -mike
>> --
>> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:56 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-25 0:21 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 0:21 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Mike Frysinger; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 01:56, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> are you suggesting we do this with every new random arch we add that
> isnt a
> standard linux port ?
> seems like an unintuitive workaround
it's so far the most clean and simplest solution to a problem, that can
be removed when portage gets support for the featured integrated.
I've opened a bug a while ago and described it as 'persistent injected
> why not push something a little more intelligent ... perhaps a new
> file for
> portage to utilize in cases like this ... the profile has a special
> file
> where you can define packages that are assumed to be satisified
I won't push, I'll code.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> -mike
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:58 ` Ciaran McCreesh
@ 2004-07-25 0:25 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 0:25 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Ciaran McCreesh; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 01:58, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 01:51:38 +0200 Pieter Van den Abeele
> <pvdabeel@gentoo.org> wrote:
> | Unless you want them to be visible well in advance for discussion to
> | take place.
> | I doubt much of stuff in the other categories is going to depend on
> | them, so they can be renamed at any time.
> What's wrong with posting to -dev saying "I intend to create the
> following categories, what do people think?"? No need to create them in
> advance that way, which is especially helpful given how bad cvs is at
> handling directories... Adding the directories and the categories entry
> without discussing it gives the impression that it's already set in
> stone and no longer an item up for discussion.
Ok , wrong impression.
Afaik I haven't seen any argumentation yet that both directories should
be renamed, removed, or whatever, so I'm still assuming it's ok to have
them, since I have showed there will be a need for both soon.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> --
> Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (Sparc, MIPS, Vim, Fluxbox)
> Mail : ciaranm at gentoo.org
> Web : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:30 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-25 1:28 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 15:53 ` Alastair Tse
1 sibling, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Donnie Berkholz @ 2004-07-25 0:34 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
Pieter Van den Abeele said:
> The reasoning behind both:
> - app-macos contains apps that do not depend on anything but a regular
> mac os x system. A good example of such an app is the GPL'ed OS X
> Desktop Manager which implements virtual desktops on OS X.
> http://wsmanager.sourceforge.net/index.php Most of the time these
> packages are Mac OS X only, open source and don't fit any other
> category.
I have a tough time believing there are any applications with functions
written in languages that cannot be functionally or linguistically
classified. The architecture/OS on which a program runs shouldn't be a
basis for a category.
> - sys-darwin contains ebuilds for software that is very very darwin
> (mostly kerneldriver) specific. I was thinking of things like (just a
> quick cut/paste):
Same point as above.
> I created both empty directories a week or two ago, because I figured
> if somebody didn't like them he would bring them up on the ml and have
> them renamed to something even better if needed. At the time I thought
> they were kosher. Nothing to have nightmares about. (I hope)
> Suggestions welcome of course.
I'm glad to hear it's open for discussion, but in the future, could you do
the discussion before rather than after the action? We shouldn't be
expected to go wandering around, looking for new directories, code or
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
@ 2004-07-25 1:26 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 2:22 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 1:26 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 01:54, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> There are two types of Gentoo MacOS users: There is the user who wants
> to extend his Mac OS X system with packages that didn't came
> pre-installed (like tetex, kde, mysql, prolog, ,... ) Then there's the
> user who wants to use Gentoo to rebuild parts of his Mac OS X operating
> system (a new kernel, python with readline support, ...) or just build
> a Darwin system from scratch without the fancy Apple stuff.
> Several devs work on making Gentoo MacOS work for both users.
> Everything happens in parallel.
The real problem is that nobody (if I am like everybody else) has heard about
this stuff except those that are following the macos movement. If you had
announced your plan to inject everything in MacOS and keyword ebuilds on the
assumption that those packages are available, many people could have told you
that the issues that are happening currently would occur. More importantly,
solutions would have been able to be created before the current issues became
> Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is broken?
Because it is.
> Developers that work for users of the first type, keyword packages
> against a virtual base system. The entire base system (all packages
> provided by apple) is injected into the depgraph and locked down by a
> profile. A user cannot upgrade or downgrade Apple provided stuff,
> unless the user really insists on doing so. Repoman on linux complains
> about broken macos depgraph because the macos base system obviously
> isn't injected into the depgraph under linux.
So then you are trying to use one keyword to describe both a situation where
all base packages are available and one where they aren't?
> There are some ways to make repoman not complain about macos:
> 1. make repoman not do macos QA under linux
Ignore the issues? Not likely...
> Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
> broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
> --emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of work.
Does it complain when the patch Travis mentioned is in place?
> 2. make repoman macos aware
s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
> This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
> profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
> require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
> term solution.
Why wasn't this suggested months ago? A feature such as this (which isn't hard
to implement btw) could allow you to not inject everything and be able
satisfy repoman as well. It would also be useful in separating your two types
of macos users into separate profiles.
> Opened a bug about persistent injected packages. (Also needed to make
> --emptytree work on macos, since --emptytree also removes the injected
> base system).
This is not a bug.
> 3. add empty ebuilds keyworded "-* macos" for everything that gets
> injected.
> Requires 300 empty ebuilds to be added for each macos profile. This is
> a hack around a portage bug that prevents a package from being purely
> virtual.
"Portage bug"? I see it as a feature that's not available yet as no one has
ever required it or asked for it.
> There needs to be at least an empty ebuild. The problem with the workaround
> is that if a linux user uses the 'ignore keywords' syntax:
> emerge ./macos.ebuild that will break their system.
I don't think we have ever prevented users from intentionally doing something
blatently unsupported.
> 4. change every ebuild that depends on the macos base system by making
> the base system dependencies conditional.
> How many ebuilds depend on 300 ebuilds? How many dependencies need to
> be changed per ebuild? What about base system evolution?
If you want to use portage as it is now with macos, these #3 and #4 are your
*only* options without throwing QA out of the window.
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
@ 2004-07-25 1:28 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 15:53 ` Alastair Tse
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 1:28 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 09:34, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> I'm glad to hear it's open for discussion, but in the future, could you do
> the discussion before rather than after the action? We shouldn't be
> expected to go wandering around, looking for new directories, code or
> whatever.
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 1:26 ` [gentoo-dev] macos mess Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 2:22 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 2:50 ` Jason Stubbs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 2:22 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Jason Stubbs; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 03:26, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> The real problem is that nobody (if I am like everybody else) has
> heard about
> this stuff except those that are following the macos movement. If you
> had
> announced your plan to inject everything in MacOS and keyword ebuilds
> on the
> assumption that those packages are available, many people could have
> told you
> that the issues that are happening currently would occur. More
> importantly,
> solutions would have been able to be created before the current issues
> became
> issues.
The MacOS project was announced one year ago. One single portage
feature that still isn't implemented held the project up for that long.
It's a relatively simple feature compared to the other requirements I
have for a next generation portage. What MacOS is doing right now is
moving forward and identifying all MacOS related issues, creating bug
reports for them and we try to do our best finding both long term and
short term solutions. We can't afford to be put on hold for another
year, unfortunately.
>> Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is broken.
> Because it is.
By design.
> So then you are trying to use one keyword to describe both a situation
> where
> all base packages are available and one where they aren't?
darwin keyword + darwin profiles -> from scratch approach,
bootstrapping, livecds, nothing which depends on xcode
macos keyword + macos profiles -> repository of mac OS X compatible
apps, supports forced overwrites, supports prefixed installs, no
anything that is darwin compatible is macos compatible, but not the
other way around.
>> Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
>> broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
>> --emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of
>> work.
> Does it complain when the patch Travis mentioned is in place?
I'll try.
I must say that repoman doesn't work out of the box on any of my
computers. You're free to try it yourself, I was quite surprised to see
repoman being happy about macos keywords on my x86, ppc and sparc
machines. All running latest portage development release .51_pre13.
>> 2. make repoman macos aware
> s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
That's the plan. There will be code, no worry. But until there's code,
we use the cleanest possible short-term solution for various issues.
>> This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
>> profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
>> require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
>> term solution.
> Why wasn't this suggested months ago? A feature such as this (which
> isn't hard
> to implement btw) could allow you to not inject everything and be able
> satisfy repoman as well. It would also be useful in separating your
> two types
> of macos users into separate profiles.
When I openened the bug about persistent packages, somebody masked it
as a DUP for a bug numbered somewhere between 11000 - 12000 (we're at
54000 right now). I'm assuming similar feature requests have been
waiting for some time.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 2:22 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-25 2:50 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 3:38 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 2:50 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 11:22, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> On 25 Jul 2004, at 03:26, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > The real problem is that nobody (if I am like everybody else) has
> > heard about this stuff except those that are following the macos movement.
> > If you had announced your plan to inject everything in MacOS and keyword
> > ebuilds on the assumption that those packages are available, many people
> > could have told you that the issues that are happening currently would
> > occur. More importantly, solutions would have been able to be created
> > before the current issues became issues.
> The MacOS project was announced one year ago. One single portage
> feature that still isn't implemented held the project up for that long.
Bug #? If there is in fact a bug, it's not marked as a blocker or even as
being critical.
> It's a relatively simple feature compared to the other requirements I
> have for a next generation portage.
So you're planning to fork the project?
> What MacOS is doing right now is moving forward and identifying all MacOS
> related issues, creating bug reports for them and we try to do our best
> finding both long term and short term solutions. We can't afford to be put
> on hold for another year, unfortunately.
I've been an official developer for just over five months, and have been
working on portage and hanging out in #gentoo-portage and on the
gentoo-portage-dev list for about nine months yet I haven't heard any
discussion whatsoever about what is required to support portage on macos.
THAT is what has held it up for a year.
> >> Why does repoman/linux think the dependency graph for macos is broken.
> >
> > Because it is.
> By design.
As I said above, no reason had been shown to change the design.
> > So then you are trying to use one keyword to describe both a situation
> > where all base packages are available and one where they aren't?
> darwin keyword + darwin profiles -> from scratch approach,
> bootstrapping, livecds, nothing which depends on xcode
> macos keyword + macos profiles -> repository of mac OS X compatible
> apps, supports forced overwrites, supports prefixed installs, no
> bootstrapping
> anything that is darwin compatible is macos compatible, but not the
> other way around.
That seems fine.
> >> Since repoman doesn't complain about macos under macos (it must be
> >> broken or somehow take into account injected packages when doing
> >> --emptytree), I prefer this option. It's also the least amount of
> >> work.
> >
> > Does it complain when the patch Travis mentioned is in place?
> I'll try.
> I must say that repoman doesn't work out of the box on any of my
> computers. You're free to try it yourself, I was quite surprised to see
> repoman being happy about macos keywords on my x86, ppc and sparc
> machines. All running latest portage development release .51_pre13.
Yes, repoman is quite buggy. That is no reason to use it as a scapegoat.
> >> 2. make repoman macos aware
> >
> > s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
> That's the plan. There will be code, no worry. But until there's code,
> we use the cleanest possible short-term solution for various issues.
Again, by forking?
> >> This requires new portage features. Adding another file to the
> >> profiles, I can think of at least 2 portage feature requests that
> >> require adding another file to the profiles, so this can't be a short
> >> term solution.
> >
> > Why wasn't this suggested months ago? A feature such as this (which
> > isn't hard to implement btw) could allow you to not inject everything and
> > be able satisfy repoman as well. It would also be useful in separating
> > your two types of macos users into separate profiles.
> When I openened the bug about persistent packages, somebody masked it
> as a DUP for a bug numbered somewhere between 11000 - 12000 (we're at
> 54000 right now). I'm assuming similar feature requests have been
> waiting for some time.
Please give bug numbers. I want the facts first-hand.
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 2:50 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 3:38 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 3:38 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Jason Stubbs; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 04:50, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> On Sunday 25 July 2004 11:22, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> On 25 Jul 2004, at 03:26, Jason Stubbs wrote:
>>> The real problem is that nobody (if I am like everybody else) has
>>> heard about this stuff except those that are following the macos
>>> movement.
>>> If you had announced your plan to inject everything in MacOS and
>>> keyword
>>> ebuilds on the assumption that those packages are available, many
>>> people
>>> could have told you that the issues that are happening currently
>>> would
>>> occur. More importantly, solutions would have been able to be created
>>> before the current issues became issues.
>> The MacOS project was announced one year ago. One single portage
>> feature that still isn't implemented held the project up for that
>> long.
> Bug #? If there is in fact a bug, it's not marked as a blocker or even
> as
> being critical.
It's a glep. The pathspec glep.
I can forward all email I have about to you if you like. Might be
interesting to read it and get a better idea about it.
>> It's a relatively simple feature compared to the other requirements I
>> have for a next generation portage.
> So you're planning to fork the project?
No I'm not. An experimental prototype yes.
Anyway, keep tuned.
>> What MacOS is doing right now is moving forward and identifying all
>> MacOS
>> related issues, creating bug reports for them and we try to do our
>> best
>> finding both long term and short term solutions. We can't afford to
>> be put
>> on hold for another year, unfortunately.
> I've been an official developer for just over five months, and have
> been
> working on portage and hanging out in #gentoo-portage and on the
> gentoo-portage-dev list for about nine months yet I haven't heard any
> discussion whatsoever about what is required to support portage on
> macos.
> THAT is what has held it up for a year.
Oh well, macos is here now. Let's start doing things now. Whether or
not you heard about it before is not really relevant anymore. Most of
the stuff is happening now.
I've been wanting to throw that pathspec thing away and start all over
again, cause I wrote a comment on it anyway. (I wasn't really
flattering about the ugly code at the bottom of the glep. I dislike
nested ifs.).
> Yes, repoman is quite buggy. That is no reason to use it as a
> scapegoat.
I've written a patch for it. I think others have been more verbose
about repoman in this thread. Have nothing against it.
>>>> 2. make repoman macos aware
>>> s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
>> That's the plan. There will be code, no worry. But until there's code,
>> we use the cleanest possible short-term solution for various issues.
> Again, by forking?
no. We do currently maintain a small patchset to make portage work
under osx. We are working on making that patchset clean and will submit
it to you guys in different reviewed bits and pieces.
of course my prototype is osx compatible, but that shouldn't be a
surprise I think (I hope).
>> When I openened the bug about persistent packages, somebody masked it
>> as a DUP for a bug numbered somewhere between 11000 - 12000 (we're at
>> 54000 right now). I'm assuming similar feature requests have been
>> waiting for some time.
> Please give bug numbers. I want the facts first-hand.
My bug was marked as a dup for
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> Regards,
> Jason Stubbs
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 3:38 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
` (2 more replies)
0 siblings, 3 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 4:42 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 12:38, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
> It's a glep. The pathspec glep.
> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/macos-1.xml
"It covers all known relevant areas except cross-platform dependency coherency
issues." These are the issues that are happening now due to jumping the gun.
> I can forward all email I have about to you if you like. Might be
> interesting to read it and get a better idea about it.
No, thanks. Just get the implementation details of the aforementioned glep
completed, get the glep approved and I give you my word that it'll be
> >> It's a relatively simple feature compared to the other requirements I
> >> have for a next generation portage.
> >
> > So you're planning to fork the project?
> No I'm not. An experimental prototype yes.
> Anyway, keep tuned.
"Next generation portage" implies throwing away the current portage. If it's
an experimentatl prototype to help with the current portage, do you have a
roadmap on how it is to be integrated? How about a list of features? I can
guarantee you that I am personally working on some of them and so we have
needless duplication of effort. If your work is truly intended to benefit the
current portage, why is it so closed?
> >> What MacOS is doing right now is moving forward and identifying all
> >> MacOS related issues, creating bug reports for them and we try to do our
> >> best finding both long term and short term solutions. We can't afford to
> >> be put on hold for another year, unfortunately.
> >
> > I've been an official developer for just over five months, and have
> > been working on portage and hanging out in #gentoo-portage and on the
> > gentoo-portage-dev list for about nine months yet I haven't heard any
> > discussion whatsoever about what is required to support portage on
> > macos. THAT is what has held it up for a year.
> Oh well, macos is here now. Let's start doing things now. Whether or
> not you heard about it before is not really relevant anymore. Most of
> the stuff is happening now.
It is completely relevant. Without any advance warning, you have succeeded at
tripling the pressure on myself and other members of the portage team to get
things done "now". If you had have spoken up to the relevant projects about
possible impact, we all could have prepared for it before this "now" ever
I don't know why I (or anybody else) should have to clean up after you, but
I'll get to work on throwing --inject away completely and replacing it with
an profile addition (which will be user extendable) that will allow the
ignoring of certain packages during dep resolution.
> I've been wanting to throw that pathspec thing away and start all over
> again, cause I wrote a comment on it anyway. (I wasn't really
> flattering about the ugly code at the bottom of the glep. I dislike
> nested ifs.).
This is a QA nightmare. You have this release out there that none of the
supporting projects were ready for and it sounds like you aren't even sure
about how to support it yourself. A "deal with it as it happens" approach is
simply not going to cut it.
> > Yes, repoman is quite buggy. That is no reason to use it as a
> > scapegoat.
> I've written a patch for it. I think others have been more verbose
> about repoman in this thread. Have nothing against it.
I can guarantee that patch wont be included. To borrow Nick's words, "I really
dislike special cases."
> >>>> 2. make repoman macos aware
> >>>
> >>> s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
> >>
> >> That's the plan. There will be code, no worry. But until there's code,
> >> we use the cleanest possible short-term solution for various issues.
> >
> > Again, by forking?
> no. We do currently maintain a small patchset to make portage work
> under osx. We are working on making that patchset clean and will submit
> it to you guys in different reviewed bits and pieces.
This, too, should have been done before any release was made.
> >> When I openened the bug about persistent packages, somebody masked it
> >> as a DUP for a bug numbered somewhere between 11000 - 12000 (we're at
> >> 54000 right now). I'm assuming similar feature requests have been
> >> waiting for some time.
> >
> > Please give bug numbers. I want the facts first-hand.
> My bug was marked as a dup for
> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11697
I can't check it now as bugs is down, but I hope that the profile addition I
mentioned above will solve it.
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 11:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 11:30 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Mike Frysinger @ 2004-07-25 5:40 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 12:42 am, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> > I can forward all email I have about to you if you like. Might be
> > interesting to read it and get a better idea about it.
> No, thanks. Just get the implementation details of the aforementioned glep
> completed, get the glep approved and I give you my word that it'll be
> imlemented.
i dont see any GLEP
GLEPs are filed through glep.gentoo.org and approved at the manager meeting
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 8:48 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 11:39 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 11:30 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2 siblings, 2 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 8:25 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 13:42, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> I'll get to work on throwing --inject away completely and replacing it with
> an profile addition (which will be user extendable) that will allow the
> ignoring of certain packages during dep resolution.
Done. The file package.provided can be added to profiles and should contain a
cat/pkg-ver for each package that is maintained outside of portage. Repoman
will transparently use the file and not complain about missing deps. Users
can also create and add to /etc/portage/package.provided for anything that
would normally be injected.
Similarities to --inject:
* The package will be installed if specified on the command line or in either
system or world.
Differences to --inject:
* /var/db/pkg is not touched
* --emptytree will not try to pull the package in
* Possible upgrades will be ignored on --deep if the "provided" package can
satisfy all dependencies.
* The dependencies for the package will be ignored on either --deep or
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 8:48 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 11:39 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 8:48 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 17:25, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> Users can also create and add to /etc/portage/package.provided for anything
> that would normally be injected.
Make that /etc/portage/profile/package.provided.
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 11:30 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 12:14 ` Jason Stubbs
2 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 11:30 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Jason Stubbs; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
I think this mail is more about portage-ng than portage, so I'll
explain why we have that project, how I see the project, and what to
expect from it.
I've nothing against portage or any other package manager out there.
One thing that does make portage different from other package managers
is that it's still under development. Features are added on a per case
Portage-ng is an experiment in the sense that we didn't take portage
and added a few features. We Looked at all the requirements, made a
design and coded something that basically does what portage is required
to do, only different.
I'm not going to explain all the differences etc yet, the idea is to
publish the code, a paper and allow people (not necessarily only
gentoo) reuse the idea, code, or the entire product. It does solve some
problems that are currently difficult to solve in portage.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 06:42, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> On Sunday 25 July 2004 12:38, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
>> It's a glep. The pathspec glep.
>> http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/gentoo-alt/macos-1.xml
> "It covers all known relevant areas except cross-platform dependency
> coherency
> issues." These are the issues that are happening now due to jumping
> the gun.
>> I can forward all email I have about to you if you like. Might be
>> interesting to read it and get a better idea about it.
> No, thanks. Just get the implementation details of the aforementioned
> glep
> completed, get the glep approved and I give you my word that it'll be
> imlemented.
>>>> It's a relatively simple feature compared to the other requirements
>>>> I
>>>> have for a next generation portage.
>>> So you're planning to fork the project?
>> No I'm not. An experimental prototype yes.
>> Anyway, keep tuned.
> "Next generation portage" implies throwing away the current portage.
> If it's
> an experimentatl prototype to help with the current portage, do you
> have a
> roadmap on how it is to be integrated? How about a list of features? I
> can
> guarantee you that I am personally working on some of them and so we
> have
> needless duplication of effort. If your work is truly intended to
> benefit the
> current portage, why is it so closed?
>>>> What MacOS is doing right now is moving forward and identifying all
>>>> MacOS related issues, creating bug reports for them and we try to
>>>> do our
>>>> best finding both long term and short term solutions. We can't
>>>> afford to
>>>> be put on hold for another year, unfortunately.
>>> I've been an official developer for just over five months, and have
>>> been working on portage and hanging out in #gentoo-portage and on the
>>> gentoo-portage-dev list for about nine months yet I haven't heard any
>>> discussion whatsoever about what is required to support portage on
>>> macos. THAT is what has held it up for a year.
>> Oh well, macos is here now. Let's start doing things now. Whether or
>> not you heard about it before is not really relevant anymore. Most of
>> the stuff is happening now.
> It is completely relevant. Without any advance warning, you have
> succeeded at
> tripling the pressure on myself and other members of the portage team
> to get
> things done "now". If you had have spoken up to the relevant projects
> about
> possible impact, we all could have prepared for it before this "now"
> ever
> happened.
> I don't know why I (or anybody else) should have to clean up after
> you, but
> I'll get to work on throwing --inject away completely and replacing it
> with
> an profile addition (which will be user extendable) that will allow the
> ignoring of certain packages during dep resolution.
>> I've been wanting to throw that pathspec thing away and start all over
>> again, cause I wrote a comment on it anyway. (I wasn't really
>> flattering about the ugly code at the bottom of the glep. I dislike
>> nested ifs.).
> This is a QA nightmare. You have this release out there that none of
> the
> supporting projects were ready for and it sounds like you aren't even
> sure
> about how to support it yourself. A "deal with it as it happens"
> approach is
> simply not going to cut it.
>>> Yes, repoman is quite buggy. That is no reason to use it as a
>>> scapegoat.
>> I've written a patch for it. I think others have been more verbose
>> about repoman in this thread. Have nothing against it.
> I can guarantee that patch wont be included. To borrow Nick's words,
> "I really
> dislike special cases."
>>>>>> 2. make repoman macos aware
>>>>> s/make repoman macos aware/include support in ALL of portage/
>>>> That's the plan. There will be code, no worry. But until there's
>>>> code,
>>>> we use the cleanest possible short-term solution for various issues.
>>> Again, by forking?
>> no. We do currently maintain a small patchset to make portage work
>> under osx. We are working on making that patchset clean and will
>> submit
>> it to you guys in different reviewed bits and pieces.
> This, too, should have been done before any release was made.
>>>> When I openened the bug about persistent packages, somebody masked
>>>> it
>>>> as a DUP for a bug numbered somewhere between 11000 - 12000 (we're
>>>> at
>>>> 54000 right now). I'm assuming similar feature requests have been
>>>> waiting for some time.
>>> Please give bug numbers. I want the facts first-hand.
>> My bug was marked as a dup for
>> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11697
> I can't check it now as bugs is down, but I hope that the profile
> addition I
> mentioned above will solve it.
> Regards,
> Jason Stubbs
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
@ 2004-07-25 11:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
0 siblings, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 11:36 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Mike Frysinger; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 07:40, Mike Frysinger wrote:
> On Sunday 25 July 2004 12:42 am, Jason Stubbs wrote:
>>> I can forward all email I have about to you if you like. Might be
>>> interesting to read it and get a better idea about it.
>> No, thanks. Just get the implementation details of the aforementioned
>> glep
>> completed, get the glep approved and I give you my word that it'll be
>> imlemented.
> i dont see any GLEP
> GLEPs are filed through glep.gentoo.org and approved at the manager
> meeting
I didn't write this glep, and also wasn't the one following up on it.
Maybe it's still in draft?
I do recall a discussion with the portage team a few months ago about
them not knowing anything about this glep.
Best to ask drobbins or g2boojum.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
> -mike
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 8:48 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 11:39 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
1 sibling, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Pieter Van den Abeele @ 2004-07-25 11:39 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Jason Stubbs; +Cc: gentoo-dev, Pieter Van den Abeele
Thnxs. Is the fix in cvs? I'd like to make a cvs snapshot and have our
devs test.
Best regards,
Pieter Van den Abeele
On 25 Jul 2004, at 10:25, Jason Stubbs wrote:
> On Sunday 25 July 2004 13:42, Jason Stubbs wrote:
>> I'll get to work on throwing --inject away completely and replacing
>> it with
>> an profile addition (which will be user extendable) that will allow
>> the
>> ignoring of certain packages during dep resolution.
> Done. The file package.provided can be added to profiles and should
> contain a
> cat/pkg-ver for each package that is maintained outside of portage.
> Repoman
> will transparently use the file and not complain about missing deps.
> Users
> can also create and add to /etc/portage/package.provided for anything
> that
> would normally be injected.
> Similarities to --inject:
> * The package will be installed if specified on the command line or in
> either
> system or world.
> Differences to --inject:
> * /var/db/pkg is not touched
> * --emptytree will not try to pull the package in
> * Possible upgrades will be ignored on --deep if the "provided"
> package can
> satisfy all dependencies.
> * The dependencies for the package will be ignored on either --deep or
> --emptytree.
> Regards,
> Jason Stubbs
> --
> gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 11:30 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
@ 2004-07-25 12:14 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 13:19 ` Jason Stubbs
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 12:14 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
On Sunday 25 July 2004 20:30, Pieter Van den Abeele wrote:
<SNIP "my portage is better than yours" sales pitch>
You said nothing that eases any of my concerns. Why is it closed? You
mentioned "we" a few times - who is this "we"? But, honestly, I don't care
any more. The chance is once it does become open, it'll be found to be full
of bugs as per the norm.
One question.. If you are capable of writing a super portage that does all
that portage does and more, why couldn't you fix one little bug that held up
your beloved macos release for over a year that was fixable in less than one
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 12:14 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 13:19 ` Jason Stubbs
0 siblings, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Jason Stubbs @ 2004-07-25 13:19 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
For the benefit of all others, I'm happy to announce that Pieter and I are
currently having a pleasant chat on IRC that has eased my fears on the
portage front.
On the macos front, I really think things could have gone a lot smoother but
hopefully package.provided will clear up the main issues for everybody and we
can move on. ;)
Jason Stubbs
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-25 1:28 ` Jason Stubbs
@ 2004-07-25 15:53 ` Alastair Tse
2004-07-25 19:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
1 sibling, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Alastair Tse @ 2004-07-25 15:53 UTC (permalink / raw
To: Gentoo Dev
Hash: SHA1
On 24 Jul 2004, at 20:34, Donnie Berkholz wrote:
> Pieter Van den Abeele said:
>> The reasoning behind both:
>> - app-macos contains apps that do not depend on anything but a regular
>> mac os x system. A good example of such an app is the GPL'ed OS X
>> Desktop Manager which implements virtual desktops on OS X.
>> http://wsmanager.sourceforge.net/index.php Most of the time these
>> packages are Mac OS X only, open source and don't fit any other
>> category.
> I have a tough time believing there are any applications with functions
> written in languages that cannot be functionally or linguistically
> classified. The architecture/OS on which a program runs shouldn't be a
> basis for a category.
I would say that there will always be apps that don't fit into the
packaging system. Pieter raised one example where it is a window
manager (in some sense) but not X11, so it wouldn't fit in x11-wm or
any x11-* categories. I'm sure there will be others, and I'm not
particularly keen that we should put them in app-misc just because
that's the catchall. I think a app-macos is a good compromise in this
But there are definitely many other macosx open source apps that would
fit under the Gentoo Portage structure, like colloquy would fit in
net-irc, adium would fit in net-im, class-dump would fit in dev-util,
>> - sys-darwin contains ebuilds for software that is very very darwin
>> (mostly kerneldriver) specific. I was thinking of things like (just a
>> quick cut/paste):
> Same point as above.
Do we have a sys-drivers or something equivalent? I would argue that
this is needed because the sheer amount of drivers available. We don't
want to start polluting sys-kernels with darwin drivers, do we?
HOWEVER, I agree that it is premature to setup a category where there
are no plans to even merge these drivers into portage for the next
month or so.
- --
Alastair 'liquidx' Tse
>> Gentoo Developer (Python/GNOME/CJK/PDA/Bluetooth)
>> http://www.liquidx.net/ | http://dev.gentoo.org/~liquidx/
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gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] macos mess
2004-07-25 15:53 ` Alastair Tse
@ 2004-07-25 19:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-26 0:07 ` [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess) Daniel Ostrow
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Donnie Berkholz @ 2004-07-25 19:57 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 619 bytes --]
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 11:53, Alastair Tse wrote:
> Do we have a sys-drivers or something equivalent? I would argue that
> this is needed because the sheer amount of drivers available. We don't
> want to start polluting sys-kernels with darwin drivers, do we?
> HOWEVER, I agree that it is premature to setup a category where there
> are no plans to even merge these drivers into portage for the next
> month or so.
I've been talking about something like this for a while. My idea,
however, is more like drivers-${TYPE}, where TYPE is video, net or
whatever else.
Donnie Berkholz
Gentoo Linux
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^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess)
2004-07-26 0:07 ` [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess) Daniel Ostrow
@ 2004-07-25 21:38 ` Gavin
2004-07-26 1:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Gavin @ 2004-07-25 21:38 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
> linux, etc.) and I second spyderous' suggestion of drivers-${TYPE}.
I'm currently using RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM in /etc/make.conf with a hand-edited list of patterns describing files that are irrelevant to my platform/config/needs/etc., to almost cut in half the number of files sync'd by 'emerge sync'.
If we're adding another dimension of things that are irrelevant to my platform, is there a better way of avoiding the wasted bandwidth incurred by emerge sync'ing without resorting to a manually maintained list referenced by RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM?
If every ebuild had "type/kind/purpose/etc." classifications, then I could define combinations of classifications with different update (emerge sync) priorities/frequencies, vastly reducing both bandwidth consumption and my time required to maintain this bandwidth reduction system for emerge sync's. Obviously, such a system needs "smarts" to know what which ebuilds must be fetched, regardless of classification priorities (e.g. depends on which packages are already emerged and their current/new dependencies).
BTW, I joined this list recently, and I haven't been tracking portage development, so I probably
missed something relevant. If the ideas above are old hat, just press 'delete' ..
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess)
2004-07-25 19:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
@ 2004-07-26 0:07 ` Daniel Ostrow
2004-07-25 21:38 ` Gavin
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Daniel Ostrow @ 2004-07-26 0:07 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
Hash: SHA1
I wholeheartedly agree, we need driers to be separated out, esp. now
since we are going to be supporting multiple kernel types (obsd, mach,
linux, etc.) and I second spyderous' suggestion of drivers-${TYPE}.
- -Dan
Donnie Berkholz wrote:
| On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 11:53, Alastair Tse wrote:
|>Do we have a sys-drivers or something equivalent? I would argue that
|>this is needed because the sheer amount of drivers available. We don't
|>want to start polluting sys-kernels with darwin drivers, do we?
|>HOWEVER, I agree that it is premature to setup a category where there
|>are no plans to even merge these drivers into portage for the next
|>month or so.
| I've been talking about something like this for a while. My idea,
| however, is more like drivers-${TYPE}, where TYPE is video, net or
| whatever else.
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gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess)
2004-07-25 21:38 ` Gavin
@ 2004-07-26 1:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-26 2:46 ` [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was[gentoo-dev] " Gavin
0 siblings, 1 reply; 41+ messages in thread
From: Donnie Berkholz @ 2004-07-26 1:57 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
[-- Attachment #1: Type: text/plain, Size: 400 bytes --]
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 17:38, Gavin wrote:
> If we're adding another dimension of things that are irrelevant to my platform,
I'm not addressing the rest of your email. But we're not talking about
adding another dimension, merely expanding an existing one (categories)
and moving some packages in other categories to a potentially more
appropriate location.
Donnie Berkholz
Gentoo Linux
[-- Attachment #2: This is a digitally signed message part --]
[-- Type: application/pgp-signature, Size: 189 bytes --]
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
* Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was[gentoo-dev] macos mess)
2004-07-26 1:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
@ 2004-07-26 2:46 ` Gavin
0 siblings, 0 replies; 41+ messages in thread
From: Gavin @ 2004-07-26 2:46 UTC (permalink / raw
To: gentoo-dev
Ok, if I define /usr/portage/<categories> as a set of categorized ebuilds for various software "packages", then I can define "dimensions" as abstract groupings of existing Gentoo portage "<categories>". Using this terminology, for the purposes of my prior suggestion/question regarding filtering out the "bloat" (unnecessary bandwidth consumed) during an "emerge sync", I further define the following as descriptions of candidate "dimensions":
o TYPE, as in "drivers-${TYPE}"
o "<categories>"
o requires X
o requires KDE
o requires Gnome
o requires "platform"
o requires a specific type of kernel (e.g. linux, freebsd, openbsd), or subtype (e.g. linux/mm)
o many other possibilities
I'm primarily interested in using Gentoo as a server platform. Large portions of the portage tree might be irrelevant to those with various specialized purposes. My hypothesis centers around the idea that "<categories>" form an inadequate set of "dimensions" by which users might utilize as criteria for exclusion during "emerge sync". Furthermore, as more "<categories>" and ebuilds are added, the manual effort required to update a RSYNC_EXCLUDEFROM list rises along with the bandwidth consumed.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Donnie Berkholz" <spyderous@gentoo.org>
To: <gentoo-dev@lists.gentoo.org>
Sent: Sunday, July 25, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was[gentoo-dev] macos mess)
On Sun, 2004-07-25 at 17:38, Gavin wrote:
> If we're adding another dimension of things that are irrelevant to my platform,
I'm not addressing the rest of your email. But we're not talking about
adding another dimension, merely expanding an existing one (categories)
and moving some packages in other categories to a potentially more
appropriate location.
Donnie Berkholz
Gentoo Linux
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list
^ permalink raw reply [flat|nested] 41+ messages in thread
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Thread overview: 41+ messages (download: mbox.gz follow: Atom feed
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2004-07-24 11:34 [gentoo-dev] macos mess Michael Sterrett -Mr. Bones.-
2004-07-24 16:54 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 16:59 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 17:58 ` Travis Tilley
2004-07-24 18:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 19:10 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 19:24 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 19:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 19:58 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:31 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:56 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 0:21 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 20:54 ` Joshua Brindle
2004-07-24 22:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 23:18 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:30 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-24 23:51 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-24 23:58 ` Ciaran McCreesh
2004-07-25 0:25 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 0:03 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 0:34 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-25 1:28 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 15:53 ` Alastair Tse
2004-07-25 19:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-26 0:07 ` [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was [gentoo-dev] macos mess) Daniel Ostrow
2004-07-25 21:38 ` Gavin
2004-07-26 1:57 ` Donnie Berkholz
2004-07-26 2:46 ` [gentoo-dev] Re: New drivers category in portage (Was[gentoo-dev] " Gavin
2004-07-25 1:26 ` [gentoo-dev] macos mess Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 2:22 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 2:50 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 3:38 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 4:42 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 5:40 ` Mike Frysinger
2004-07-25 11:36 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 8:25 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 8:48 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 11:39 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 11:30 ` Pieter Van den Abeele
2004-07-25 12:14 ` Jason Stubbs
2004-07-25 13:19 ` Jason Stubbs
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