Hi, i've had this explained to me a few times already, but for some reason, I'm still having problems grasping the idea. program is typical autoconf tarball.. ./configure, make, make install. So when doing the "try make install" command within an .ebuild file, how do you know whether to use DESTDIR or PREFIX, or both? I check out the makefile for this particular program, which has the files depend on ${prefix} (e.g. mandir=${prefix}/man), and a sole line with "DESTDIR = " This particular program installs the biaries, docs, etc fine either way. If I do: try make PREFIX=${D} install however, when reading the /var/db/pkg/blah/CONTENTS file, i see only those files which I explicitly do a dodoc, dobin, doman, etc. So an unmerge/uninstall will not remove the whole program as it should. I tried to change it to PREFIX=${D}/usr as I've seen in some ebuilds, no worky worky. But when I do: try make DESTDIR=${D} install everything shows up the right way, including CONTENTS and stuff. I'm rendered confused. Why does it work this way? jano