On 2/9/24 4:25 PM, Michael Orlitzky wrote: > This is the part where you try to convince me that the things I want > are stupid. OK. I don't care. I want it off. Leave me alone :) As evidenced by the removal of libressl and eudev, this logic is fallacious and wrong and not the way Gentoo is developed. Gentoo does indeed discuss the things that people want, and try to determine whether they are useful to users, whether they are a placebo, and whether they are maintainable or have an adverse effect either on users or on the effort to maintain a consistent tree. So circling back around to the start of the thread: > pkgcheck complains about each new version of dev-lisp/sbcl: It is the allegation of the QA team that the option is a lie, it contains no purpose or value and doesn't contribute to use choice, and pkgcheck is reporting the QA team's allegation. If you wish to convince the QA team otherwise, be my guest... but I would personally encourage you to come up with a better argument than "the option makes me feel better about myself, I don't care what you have to say, just leave my options alone goshdarnit; I have the right to be stupid". Because I don't think you're likely to convince anyone like that. Sorry. -- Eli Schwartz