On 16/06/13 04:36 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote: > Hi Kent, >> >> IMHO, the criteria for being able to edit the wiki should be lower than the >> present requirements on "being a Gentoo Dev". > > Only a small subset of official pages is locked, everything else is free to > edit for anyone who signs himself up. > >> >> I'd be interested in seeing if theres' a way to have "vetted" edits of some >> kind, ala a patchqueue/pull-merge feature but for wikis, allowing a user to >> edit a page as they see fit, but the changes are only visible to them until >> they mark their edits "done" where it can be pushed to a moderation queue >> for somebody trusted to check over. >> > > That exists and is used in the German Wikipedia. > (Basically, you get the last "vetted" page by default, with a small message > saying "newer versions available".) > MediaWiki has a builtin "flag" mechanism for revisions, but this serves only to try to get all revisions reviewed by at least one person. "Pending Changes" as implemented by the English Wikipedia uses Extension:FlaggedRevs [0] which, in the most common configuration, allows anyone to edit but hides their changes from the general public until an authorized user approves the changes. [1] [0] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:FlaggedRevs [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Pending_changes