On 10/06/2013 17:15, Alex Legler wrote:
On 10.06.2013 14:36, Sergey Popov wrote:
09.06.2013 18:22, Alex Legler пишет:
I'd appreciate some input on below plan to move project pages to the Wiki:


The main motivation is to reduce the contents on the main website,
allowing for an easier makeover. Also, the Wiki exposes the contents and
an editing capability to more people, allowing for better collaboration.
Finally, this is an opportunity for projects to go through the contents
in their project spaces and update/remove outdated contents as well
Gentoo as a whole to remove orphaned projects.
Err, i do not want to say that wiki is not suite for this purpose, but
what's wrong with current situation? Is there something wrong with gorg?
The software is unmaintained, and the website template is next to
unmaintainable. I could go on a bit more about this, but I think these
two points *alone* justify moving away from it.

Well, it is not always clear how to use some of it's features, but apart
of that, why we should migrate to wiki?

Just to clear orphaned project pages?
No, I described multiple points. Again:
 - Less contents on www.g.o -> we can much more easily relaunch it
 - Users can more easily contribute to project documentation
 - Update/purge project documentation
 - Remove orphaned projects

Why we can not just have official project pages, maintained as usual
through gorg and additional info in wiki(if it is needed, for example,
like we do on Gentoo Qt project page?

In case it wasn't clear enough yet: This is step 1 of n to get rid of
gorg and GuideXML for the website (read: not main docs) aspects of Gentoo.
Running two project page venues increases maintenance instead of
lowering it. I intend to have less work after this change, not more.

Do you have any concerns beyond 'never change a running system'?
+1, totally agree.. It's 2013 duh..
Gentoo / cluster