On 22/02/17 02:48, Gordon Pettey wrote:
On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 7:05 PM, M. J. Everitt <m.j.everitt@iee.org> wrote:
On 21/02/17 08:53, Lars Wendler wrote:
> On Mon, 20 Feb 2017 22:47:17 +0100 Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> 1) Putting printer drivers into "net-print" is silly.
>> Something that converts format a to device-specific format b has
>> absolutely nothing to do with network.
>> So, a new category "sys-print", emphasizing that it's hardware
>> drivers, (or "cups-drv"?) (or maybe "media-print"?) might make sense.
> Like I said in IRC, I'm all in favor of this. "media-print" seems
> reasonable as I don't consider printing related packages being
> system-relevant (and thus no sys-print).
Maybe we can shoot for "app-print" .. its not really a system package
any more than a networking one, nor a (multi-)media package per-se (cue
bikeshed on what 'media' means) .. so perhaps just 'app-print' or
'app-printing' .. I dunno ..

There is no requirement for category names to be x-y. Instead of forcing a prefix-suffix pattern that doesn't really fit, just call it "printing".
Whilst I don't think there is anything specified in PMS/devmanual .. find me another category without X-Y pattern? I'm not sure about portage internals, but there could be some exploiting of the fact this is 'normally' the case ..

I could, ofc, be mistaken ...