From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Received: from ([] by with esmtp (Exim 4.60) (envelope-from ) id 1REpd0-0008Jz-Ir for; Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:49:18 +0000 Received: from (localhost []) by (Postfix) with SMTP id 126B521C0B1; Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:49:04 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 16F5121C04D for ; Fri, 14 Oct 2011 21:48:37 +0000 (UTC) Received: by ggnp2 with SMTP id p2so1395575ggn.40 for ; Fri, 14 Oct 2011 14:48:37 -0700 (PDT) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=gamma; h=message-id:date:from:user-agent:mime-version:to:subject:references :in-reply-to:content-type:content-transfer-encoding; bh=iTBJNqgOp+SDnDfN+hKd5Uq6wkiQ2sk4PHDouWwgjW8=; b=xHA6Qn0WpHMscL3ruAHXfGc2EsMedD6/l25YxWUBTdbdl2HMznz5ajW1KOJKRbXkNg oxEelyt7HYjwagYeoPXAlQaj3vID6SrTQ95v/FQWUApKA+DSk0Ctxei0LwvMv2ceS84F vdlTUNF+rwDpiDFmttZuHiGXjvB3GZklu5ZrQ= Received: by with SMTP id f62mr14837621yhh.48.1318628917567; Fri, 14 Oct 2011 14:48:37 -0700 (PDT) Received: from [] ( []) by with ESMTPS id 44sm6764319yhs.18.2011. (version=SSLv3 cipher=OTHER); Fri, 14 Oct 2011 14:48:36 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2011 16:48:33 -0500 From: Dale User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20111013 Firefox/7.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.4.1 Precedence: bulk List-Post: List-Help: List-Unsubscribe: List-Subscribe: List-Id: Gentoo Linux mail X-BeenThere: Reply-to: MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Re: [gentoo-dev] Re: rfc: news item for png15 References: <> <> <1318582000.1855.2.camel@belkin4> <> <1318626202.1855.11.camel@belkin4> In-Reply-To: <1318626202.1855.11.camel@belkin4> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Archives-Salt: X-Archives-Hash: 689a61cfd9f7ca1db4ca766d0455c380 Pacho Ramos wrote: > It shouldn't, I am sure I have used this some times before and it > worked as expected, but I don't know when revdep-rebuild cache files > are removed (and then, broken packages recalculated) :-/ Any > revdep-rebuild maintainer here to clarify this please? Thanks :) I always run revdep-rebuild with the -i option. It starts fresh each time or is supposed to anyway. This is a snipped list of what was rebuilt the first time and that it says it wants to rebuild again as I just ran it again: root@fireball / # revdep-rebuild -i --library -- -a -j5 * Configuring search environment for revdep-rebuild * Checking reverse dependencies * Packages containing binaries and libraries using * will be emerged. * Collecting system binaries and libraries * Generated new 1_files.rr * Checking dynamic linking [ 8% ] * found /usr/bin/enblend <<<< SNIPPED >>>> [ 100% ] * Generated new 3_broken.rr <<<< SNIPPED >>>> * All prepared. Starting rebuild emerge --complete-graph=y --oneshot --with-bdeps y --backtrack=30 --keep-going -v -D -a -j5 app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs:0 app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs:0 app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-medialibs:0 app-office/libreoffice:0 app-text/ghostscript-gpl:0 app-text/podofo:0 app-text/poppler:0 dev-db/libiodbc:0 dev-lang/R:0 dev-python/notify-python:0 gnome-base/libglade:2.0 gnome-base/librsvg:2 gnome-extra/polkit-gnome:0 kde-base/kdelibs:4 kde-base/ksplash:4 media-gfx/enblend:0 media-gfx/gimp:2 media-gfx/hugin:0 media-gfx/imagemagick:0 media-libs/gd:2 media-libs/gegl:0 media-libs/imlib2:0 media-libs/libpano13:0 media-libs/libwmf:0 media-libs/netpbm:0 media-libs/openjpeg:0 media-libs/plotutils:0 media-libs/sdl-image:0 media-libs/vigra:0 media-video/dvdauthor:0 media-video/mplayer:0 net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 net-print/cups:0 sys-libs/slang:0 www-client/links:2 www-client/seamonkey:0 x11-libs/cairo:0 x11-libs/fltk:1 x11-libs/fox:1.6 x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf:2 x11-libs/qt-gui:4 x11-libs/wxGTK:2.8 .......... These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs-20110722 USE="-development" 0 kB [ebuild R ] sys-libs/slang-2.2.2 USE="pcre png readline zlib -cjk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libpano13-2.9.18 USE="java -static-libs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gd-2.0.35-r1 USE="jpeg png truetype -fontconfig -xpm" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/imlib2-1.4.4 USE="X bzip2 gif jpeg mp3 nls png tiff zlib -doc (-mmx)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] www-client/links-2.3_pre1-r1 USE="X bzip2 gpm jpeg ssl tiff unicode zlib -directfb -fbcon -livecd (-svga)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/plotutils-2.6 USE="X png -static-libs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/fltk-1.1.10-r2 USE="opengl threads xinerama -debug -doc -examples -games -xft" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/fox-1.6.40 USE="bzip2 jpeg opengl png tiff truetype zlib -debug -doc -profile" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/enblend-4.0 USE="image-cache openexr openmp -debug -doc -gpu" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/sdl-image-1.2.10-r1 USE="gif jpeg png tiff -static-libs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/netpbm-10.51.00-r1 USE="X jbig jpeg jpeg2k png tiff xml zlib -rle (-svga)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/cairo-1.10.2-r1 USE="X glib opengl svg xcb (-aqua) -debug -directfb -doc (-drm) (-gallium) (-openvg) -qt4 -static-libs" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.22.1-r2 USE="X introspection jpeg jpeg2k svg tiff -debug -doc -test" 0 kB [ebuild R #] net-print/cups-1.5.0-r2 USE="X dbus java jpeg pam png ssl threads tiff -acl -debug -gnutls -kerberos -ldap -perl -php -python -samba -slp -static-libs -usb -xinetd" LINGUAS="-da -de -es -eu -fi -fr -id -it -ja -ko -nl -no -pl -pt -pt_BR -ru -sv -zh -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/librsvg-2.34.1 USE="gtk -doc -tools" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/ghostscript-gpl-9.04-r3 USE="X cups dbus gtk jpeg2k -bindist -djvu -idn -static-libs" LINGUAS="-ja -ko -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-db/libiodbc-3.52.7 USE="gtk" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-base/libglade-2.6.4 USE="-doc -static-libs -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/polkit-gnome-0.101-r1 USE="introspection -doc -examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ] x11-libs/wxGTK- USE="X opengl sdl tiff -debug -doc -gnome -gstreamer -odbc -pch" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/libwmf- USE="X xml -debug -doc -expat" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-lang/R-2.10.1 USE="X bash-completion cairo java jpeg nls png readline threads tk -doc -lapack -minimal -perl" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/imagemagick- USE="X bzip2 corefonts cxx jbig jpeg jpeg2k lcms openmp png svg tiff truetype wmf xml zlib -autotrace -djvu -fftw -fontconfig -fpx -graphviz -gs -hdri -lqr -lzma -opencl -openexr -perl -q32 -q64 -q8 -raw -static-libs -webp" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/dvdauthor-0.6.18 0 kB [ebuild R ~] x11-libs/qt-gui-4.7.4 USE="accessibility cups dbus exceptions glib mng qt3support tiff xinerama (-aqua) -debug -egl -gtkstyle -nas -nis -pch -private-headers -raster -trace" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/openjpeg-1.4-r1 USE="-doc -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/vigra-1.7.1 USE="hdf5 jpeg png python tiff -doc -fftw -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/podofo-0.9.1 USE="boost -debug -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ~] media-gfx/hugin-2011.2.0 USE="sift -lapack -python" LINGUAS="-bg -ca -cs -da -de -en_GB -es -fi -fr -hu -it -ja -ko -nl -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -uk -zh_CN -zh_TW" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-text/poppler-0.16.7 USE="cairo curl cxx introspection jpeg jpeg2k lcms png qt4 utils xpdf-headers -cjk -debug -doc -exceptions" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-video/mplayer-1.0_rc4_p20110322-r1 USE="3dnow 3dnowext X a52 alsa ass cddb cdio dirac dv dvd dvdnav enca encode esd faac faad gif iconv ipv6 jpeg jpeg2k live mad mmx mmxext mng mp3 network opengl osdmenu png quicktime rar real rtc schroedinger sdl shm speex sse sse2 toolame tremor truetype twolame unicode vorbis x264 xinerama xscreensaver xv xvid -aalib (-altivec) -amr (-aqua) -bidi -bindist -bl -bluray -bs2b -cdparanoia -cpudetection -custom-cpuopts -debug -dga -directfb -doc -dts -dvb (-dxr3) -fbcon -ftp -ggi -gsm -jack -joystick -ladspa -libcaca -libmpeg2 -lirc -lzo -md5sum -mpg123 -nas -nut -openal -oss -pnm -pulseaudio -pvr -radio -rtmp -samba -ssse3 -tga -theora -v4l -v4l2 -vdpau (-vidix) -vpx (-win32codecs) -xanim -xvmc -zoran" VIDEO_CARDS="vesa -mga -s3virge -tdfx" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-libs/gegl-0.1.6 USE="cairo exif ffmpeg jpeg jpeg2k mmx png sdl sse svg -debug -graphviz -lua -openexr -raw -umfpack -v4l" 0 kB [ebuild R ~] kde-base/kdelibs-4.7.2 USE="3dnow alsa bzip2 fam handbook jpeg2k mmx nls opengl (policykit) semantic-desktop spell sse sse2 ssl udev udisks upower zeroconf -acl (-altivec) (-aqua) -bindist -debug -doc (-kdeenablefinal) -kerberos -lzma -openexr -test -upnp" 0 kB [ebuild R ~] kde-base/ksplash-4.7.2 USE="3dnow mmx sse sse2 xinerama (-altivec) (-aqua) -debug (-kdeenablefinal)" 0 kB [ebuild R ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-1.2.7 USE="gstreamer jit (-aqua) -coverage -debug -doc (-introspection) -test" 0 kB [ebuild R ] dev-python/notify-python-0.1.1-r2 USE="-examples" 0 kB [ebuild R ~] www-client/seamonkey-2.4.1-r1 USE="alsa chatzilla dbus ipc libnotify methodjit roaming startup-notification webm -crypt -custom-cflags -custom-optimization -debug -system-sqlite -wifi" LINGUAS="en en_US -be -ca -cs -de -en_GB -es -es_AR -es_ES -fi -fr -gl -hu -it -ja -lt -nb -nb_NO -nl -pl -pt -pt_PT -ru -sk -sv -sv_SE -tr -zh -zh_CN" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-office/libreoffice-3.3.4 USE="bash-completion cups dbus gtk java kde nsplugin opengl (-aqua) -binfilter -custom-cflags -debug -eds -gnome -gstreamer (-kdeenablefinal) -ldap -odk -templates" LINGUAS="en en_US -af -ar -as -ast -be_BY -bg -bn -bo -br -brx -bs -ca -ca_XV -cs -cy -da -de -dgo -dz -el -en_GB -en_ZA -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gd -gl -gu -he -hi -hr -hu -id -is -it -ja -ka -kk -km -kn -ko -kok -ks -ku -ky -lo -lt -lv -mai -mk -ml -mn -mni -mr -ms -my -nb -ne -nl -nn -nr -ns -oc -om -or -pa_IN -pap -pl -ps -pt -pt_BR -ro -ru -rw -sa_IN -sat -sd -sh -si -sk -sl -sq -sr -ss -st -sv -sw_TZ -ta -te -tg -th -ti -tn -tr -ts -ug -uk -uz -ve -vi -xh -zh_CN -zh_TW -zu" 0 kB [ebuild R ] media-gfx/gimp-2.6.11-r5 USE="alsa curl dbus doc exif jpeg lcms mmx mng pdf png smp sse svg tiff webkit wmf -aalib (-altivec) -debug -gnome -python" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-gtklibs-20110722 USE="-development" 0 kB [ebuild R ] app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-medialibs-20110722 USE="-development" 0 kB Total: 42 packages (42 reinstalls), Size of downloads: 0 kB Would you like to merge these packages? [Yes/No] That list is identical to the first time I ran it. I don't know what you were expecting but this is what it does. Dale :-) :-)