El 13/05/11 01:57, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto escribió: > Hi Markos. > > On 12-05-2011 20:19, Markos Chandras wrote: > > Hi, > > > Quite a lot of users tend to change bugzilla fields without even > > understand why they are doing it. Would it be possible to restrict users > > from touching the following fields? > > > - Importance > > - Severity Never knew if these fields are really used. Anyway I have seen them been resetted a few times and users usually don't touch them then. > > - CCing arches on their own (!) They can still manually add them I think ;) > > - Blocks I at least use that to let users easily report bugs on Hardened docs, and maybe others do too > > - Keywords Yeah this one maybe needs being blocked. > > How do you feel about that? Does bugzilla allow such restrictions? > > I think we should trust our users. Some might feel tempted to "test all > the buttons", but I'm sure the majority will just try to fill a bug > report the best way they know how. > This topic has been raised a few times in the past and as far as I can > recall there never was a consensus about it. In any case, as pointed out > before, some developers want users to be able to CC them on bugs, at > least on some bugs, informed users can have a good idea about the > importance and or severity of a bug and in general being more open can > provide a more inviting environment for users to look at and or > contribute to Gentoo. > Finally, whenever a user abuses bugzilla, you can poke bugzilla admins, > userrel and a few others to look at and take care of it. Some of us can > go as far as locking users accounts - feel free to poke me if that need > ever arises. I'd just like to add that usually a simple warning when users don't do things properly suffices, I recall receiving one from Tommy[D] regarding the use of CCing and after that I didn't do evil deeds with it again. klondike