Hello lads, I would like you to review following patches we kept hidden from you in x11 overlay up till now. xorg-2: autotools-utils usage - out of tree build by default - killing all .la files added doc dependencies - it is same for all pkgs and easier to keep it in eclass (ebuilds will be updated as bumped, live versions in overlay are already prepared for this) updated font disable calls - with new fonts the disable call is much much easier so we just need to reflect that virtualx: Pretty much add eclass-debug info everywhere and fix formatting. migrate from "export maketype" to more reliable VIRTUALX_COMMAND global variable (can be set anytime). deprecate Xmake in favor of Xemake -j1 or VIRTUALX_COMMAND="emake -j1" Change the VIRTUALX_REQUIRED and VIRTUALX_USE to be bit saner and merged into one variable with qa deprecation warnings and fallback in place. New usage described in eclassdoc pretty well. So any comments? suggestions? Cheers Tom