hiya all :) First of all i wish you all a good new year :) Because we have the chance to take *free* hardware insurance for the fosdem event (no matter if you're at the booth or in the devroom) To get that all insured, i'll need the following info before january, 16th ('07). Please note that every device should be followed by it's serial number. I'll need the following info (i've put them in an example ;): Dimitry Bradt diox diox@gentoo.org IBM Thinkpad r50p (sn: xxxxxxx)(security tracing number which is avail on most laptops: xxxxxxxxx) Qtek 2020i (sn: xxxxxxx) Level one 8port switch (sn: xxxxxxx) Also i'll need a small bio about each speaker/a small text about what they'll going to talk. (for the schedule, which they'll print on this year's folder). A picture can be provided too, but then we'll have to get pictures from *every* speaker. So you all have to agree on putting your picture on the folder. Keep the bio short'n'complete ;-) BTW: Don't forget to mention your gentoo working area in the bio ;-) Also i'd like to ask all ppl with incomplete arrival information at www.g.o/proj/en/pr/events/fosdem2007-belgium/ ,to fix the document or reply the info to this mail :) Regards, -- _____ ,888888b. .dP""Y88888b _..-'.(o) ;88888b ,'..-..`"aad8888888b ``._ `*Y88888b / `Y888888b. : Y8888888b. Dimitry Bradt (diox) : Y88888888b. diox at gentoo dot org | _,8ad88888888. : .d88888888888888b. Dutch Documentation Lead \d8888888""888888888 VDR Developer 8888;''' 88888888888 Events Contact (PR) 888' Y8888888888 `Y8 :8888888888 Fingerprint & Key ID: |` '8888888888 C359 3F9A 6F33 09FB 759F | 8888888888 017E 613E AA10 35D3 3C5C | 8888888888 (0x35D33C5C) | 8888888888 | ,888888888P www.gentoo.org : ;888888888' dev.gentoo.org/~diox/ \ d88888888' #gentoo-doc-nl on freenode _.>, 888888P' <,--''`.._>8888( `>__...--' `''`