It's my pleasure to introduce to you Robert "rbu" Buchholz. He is joining us to help take care of the lcd stuff. Hopefully he does not like lsd too. Robert was the one who made the G15 keyboards work for us. He hails from Berlin, Germany. I will let his own words tell more about him: "I study as the Technische Universitaet Berlin, which is where I also work as a teaching student. Along with that, I do some honorary works in university politics, as well as organising events. As an active group of students (, we launch Key-signing Parties, Linux Installation Parties, several talks a year and hold bigger projects that also rely on grants. I also co-administrate a medium sized wiki there (~400 articles, 600 000 views). Besides the university related work I love long bike trips and spending time with friends outside. I also read whenever I have time, mostly German authors or classics. I am addicted to espresso- and coffee drinks." So please give rbu the usual warm welcome. -- Petteri Räty (Betelgeuse)