Ciaran McCreesh wrote: > On Wed, 20 Sep 2006 22:41:11 +0200 Jakub Moc wrote: > | Ciaran McCreesh wrote: > | > I was under the impression that you were supposed to GLEP anything > | > of this scope and get council approval... The "anyone can make a > | > project" rule doesn't replace the requirement to GLEP large changes. > | > > | > | - Code Listing > | 1.12 > | > | WTF really... > > That Chris White has used a poorly written and terribly thought out GLEP > as an alternative to doing things properly does not mean that GLEPs are > wrong. By quoting that ridiculous document you are contributing nothing > to the discussion. > Not that bugging people w/ pointless paperwork would contribute anything useful to this new project or get any work done... What exactly is there to GLEP at this point? -- jakub