Joshua Jackson wrote: > However, as > Chris stated loudly, that this is something that falls directly in > line with Release Engineerings goal. Its not a top level project that > creates something entirely new. Its a extension of the release of > images that allow you to install a system. Sure, neither is releng creating something entirely new. They're deriving tarballs and CDs using ebuilds to build packages, so perhaps it should be a subproject of the base project. You can make the "not entirely new" argument for literally anything. Oh, and ebuilds wouldn't work without a package manager, so perhaps all of this should fall under the Portage project. But Portage wouldn't exist without people to work on it, so maybe Devrel should be in charge of everything. > Thus in my opinion it being a top level project is to use what someone > else said is ludicrous. > Treecleaners is another newer project that has > spawned and its a subproject of the QA team. Why can't the seeds group > be a part of the Releng group. The entire point of the teams is to > assist each other for a combined benefit. Being a top level project, > you are in essence saying that we want to do this on our own without > the help of a group that has been doing a less focused version of what > you are aiming to provide. What I am getting from this is that you do not think people can collaborate if they're not part of the same project. Being a project just says that a group of developers want to work toward a certain goal. I encourage everyone to read over and look at exactly what a project is. Thanks, Donnie