Hi, I've created a new project, called Gentoo Seeds [1]. The aim of the project is to create stage4 tarballs which can be used to 'seed' new boxes with ready-built Gentoo solutions. At the moment, we're working on a basic LAMP Server (which is why we're hanging out in #gentoo-php), and talking about following up with a LAMP Developer Desktop. If you'd like to help, we'd love to work with you. We'd more than welcome other people who want to create completely different seeds. We're doing LAMP because it's an obvious thing to seed; we hope that all sorts of seeds will appear down the road. Until we've gone through a few iterations and worked out the best way to create seeds, we're working in an overlay [2]. We certainly hope to bring the work into the main tree once things have settled down. [1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/seeds/ [2] http://overlays.gentoo.org/proj/seeds/ Best regards, Stu -- Stuart Herbert stuart@gentoo.org Gentoo Developer http://www.gentoo.org/ http://blog.stuartherbert.com/ GnuPG key id# F9AFC57C available from http://pgp.mit.edu Key fingerprint = 31FB 50D4 1F88 E227 F319 C549 0C2F 80BA F9AF C57C --