Edgar Hucek wrote: > Danny van Dyk schrieb: >> This hasn't yet investigated allt he possible combinations of packages >> depending on dev-lang/php, or the ~10,000 other packages in the tree. >> >> Danny > > Just a side hint. Try to enable all flags at the first cimpile time would > reduce trys drasticaly ;) Yes, it would indeed drastically reduce the time to almost zero due to use flag collisions... :) > So you say a developer cant't test all useflags? That is a strange > message from you. No, even PHP devs can't test them all, and definitely not all their combinations (simple maths, see previous mail). Not to mention that some of the flags require commercial software installed that's not in portage, so they are actually unsupported. -- Best regards, Jakub Moc mailto:jakub@gentoo.org GPG signature: http://subkeys.pgp.net:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xCEBA3D9E Primary key fingerprint: D2D7 933C 9BA1 C95B 2C95 B30F 8717 D5FD CEBA 3D9E ... still no signature ;)