Hi, I posted this to the bugzilla, but was redirected here, so: INTRO: I have just a small proposal. There are many theme packages in portage, but many good are still missing, the problem I actually noticed when creating my own ebuild for comix cursors, is that there is really a mess in theme packages. They are both in media-gfx and x11-themes, they are named without any convention. PROPOSAL: 1) create a new directory in portage root eye-candy [or similar] 2) move all theme packages in there 3) follow the naming convention: [application]-[type]-[name] (for gentoo cursors this would be x11-cursors-gentoo, or for kdm theme tux mania it would be kdm-theme-tuxmania) 4) keep original packages as meta packages with notice, that users should upgrade -- Bc. Simon Toth www.fi.muni.cz/~xtoth1/