Enrico Weigelt wrote: > * Lance Albertson schrieb: > > > >>> And what does this flag exactly say at this point ? >>> >>> Install only xlib ? >>> Install xlib and some further ones ? Which ones ? >>> Install all libs ? >> Opening an ebuild and reading it must be hard. > > Not what I asked. I'm talking about what an user can expect to get. > You don't expect every user to look trough each ebuilt, seriously ? If you really want to find out what it does? Yes. You can't expect us to hand hold every user out there. Gentoo isn't meant to be that way. Its a meta distribution, so you get to choose what you want to do. Just please don't force the developer community to bend to your needs. If you don't like that? Then fine, just accept that and please move on. -- Lance Albertson Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager --- GPG Public Key: Key fingerprint: 0423 92F3 544A 1282 5AB1 4D07 416F A15D 27F4 B742 ramereth/irc.freenode.net