Luis Francisco Araujo wrote: > I think it is perfectly valid we use this kind of tools for development; > as far as i know, our SC refers to those components (in form of software > and metadata) to be free software upon which a user depend to build a > Gentoo system, and this isn't one of those components. Though i admit it > might bring some kind of 'controversy' . I've got no problem with people wanting to actively use proprietary software instead of F/OSS alternatives because of much better features, security record, etc. (Here's where that phpBB vs vBulletin example comes to mind again.) Heck, it's their choice, right? My quarrel is with the fact that this would be the designated tool for full development usage and whatnot. However, I don't believe that Bugzilla is such a separate entity from the distribution as a whole. I, for one, would simply stop reporting bugs there if it was switched to a proprietary bug-tracking tool. Now, one could say that this isn't much of a problem (since it's all entirely voluntary, right?); but think of this on a grander scale of other F/OSS advocates: you would have much less community involvement. One of the core foundations, as I see it, of a community-driven Linux distribution such as Gentoo is exactly that: the community. Bugzilla provides a reasonably-somewhat-sane infrastructure to keep track of the various bugs, issues, and feature requests being put forth by its users and is one of the primary methods of communication between the user and developer camps. Regards. -- Peter Gordon (codergeek42) Gentoo Forums Global Moderator GnuPG Public Key ID: 0xFFC19479 / Fingerprint: DD68 A414 56BD 6368 D957 9666 4268 CB7A FFC1 9479 My Blog: