So, let's rephrase it a bit. The following items represent my view about the i18n team's responsibilities: a) Translation of metadata.xml stuff in our tree (Is there any method to keep them up-to-date when the English text changes? Something like "revision" attribute that gets bumped when the English text gets updated?) b) Localization of Gentoo-developed applications (portage, gentoolkit,...) including their manpages c) l10n for other packages and sending patches upstream d) Translation of manpages. man-pages-cs for example sucks :(. e) Persuading people that having comments in configuration files *without* an equivalent somewhere on the web is evil. Good example might be baselayout. Why? Stuff on the web can be translated pretty easily, configuration files can't. e) Translation of our documentation (that's the GDP's job, the intention is just to "share human resources" :) ) and GWN. f) Translation/localization of w.g.o. Efforts were already started (meaning that "the technology is available on at least one experimental site). My 0.02 Kč :) Cheers, -jkt -- cd /local/pub && more beer > /dev/mouth