The last change: 187 to 135, over a couple of weeks. We're getting near the goal of getting the entire tree fixed! I'd like to literally have nothing in the tree unported to modular X, so I don't need to add a virtual/x11-7.0 as a workaround to the problem. Concentrate on unmaintained packages and packages for which not all ebuilds are ported. Unmaintained packages make up close to 2/3 of the remaining unported packages. The graph is no longer maintained. Latest list: Herds and people with 5 or more unported packages, and change in # of packages: 31 none (individual or no maintainer) (-15) 19 (no metadata.xml) (-7) 12 games (-15) 12 desktop-wm (-4) 10 video (-3) 8 cjk (-0) 6 afterstep (-0) 5 sound (-1) ------------------- Total: 103 of 135 unported IRC: #gentoo-x Documentation: Metabug: If you can't figure out what needs to get done and you've already read the docs, ask in #gentoo-x. Thanks, Donnie