The last change: 203 to 187, over 3 days -- that's 5 packages a day, which is OK but ought to be better. Good job again, to those who have been fixing games! Anyone who would like to help, please start concentrating on unmaintained packages. They make up close to half of the remaining unported packages. Progress graph: Latest list: Herds and people with 5 or more unported packages, and change in # of packages: 46 none (individual or no maintainer) (-1) 27 games (-13) 26 (no metadata.xml) (-0) 16 desktop-wm (-0) 13 video (-1) 8 cjk (-0) 6 sound (-0) 6 afterstep (-0) 6 vapier (-0) 6 stuart (-0) ------------------- Total: 160 of 187 unported IRC: #gentoo-x Documentation: Metabug: If you can't figure out what needs to get done and you've already read the docs, ask in #gentoo-x. Thanks, Donnie