The last change: 406 to 343 -- nice! Much of that came from the hard work of nelchael in desktop-dock. So, what do we see? The top offenders also didn't get much fixed, with the exception of desktop-dock (54 packages fixed since Jan 31!) and the sci herd (6 fixed). That just leaves 3 packages fixed by everyone else combined. Progress graph: Latest list: Herds with 10 or more unported packages, and change in # of packages: 94 games (-1) 60 none (individual or no maintainer) (-1) 32 (no metadata.xml) (-1) 30 desktop-wm (-0) 22 cjk (-0) 14 video (-0) 12 sci (-6) ... 2 desktop-dock (-54) IRC: #gentoo-x Documentation: Metabug: If you can't figure out what needs to get done and you've already read the docs, ask in #gentoo-x. Thanks, Donnie