Donnie Berkholz wrote: > Please contact me if you'd like to be one of these volunteers. Requirements: > > A) You have commit access to gentoo-x86, AND > B) you're comfortable with the porting process OR are adept with ebuilds > and would like to help I've decided to give it a wait for a few days until unmasking while our new porting task force tears through lots of packages. With the task force, I feel enough visible, reasonable progress is being made to help me avoid being frustrated with the people saying I should wait for something that would never happen. If you want to join the task force, just hop on IRC and /j #gentoo-x. We can always use more help. Right now, we've got 12 people in there. Also, Robin's created a new script to tell exactly which apps are broken with modular X, and which ones only have something in their dep tree broken. A run of this script on yesterday's results shows that there are only 558 "real" broken modular packages out of 867 total. Thanks, Donnie