GLEP: XX Title: Multiple Repository Support in Portage Version: $Revision: 1.0 $ Author: Andrew Muraco Last-Modified: $Date: 2005/12/17 03:13:10 $ Status: Draft Type: Standards Track Content-Type: text/x-rst Created: 17-Dec-2005 Post-History: 17-Dec-2005 Abstract ======== To implement a functional and expandable method for Portage to support multiple repositories. Motivation ========== Multiple Repository support is needed, this GLEP is to address this need. Specification ============= Portage will make use of two (2) ways to address repositories: * A User-defined name, which is likely to be used as a convinance in most situations - this will be referred to as REPO_NAME in this GLEP * A hard-coded repository-id which will be found in the repository tree at: metadata/repo_id - this will be referred to as REPO_ID in this GLEP Both names will contain no spaces, and only standard characters [TODO: references] Repositories ------------ Each repository will contain: * the repo name in metadata/repo_id * repo information such as maintainer of the repo, notes on who hosts it, etc will be contained metadata/repo_info * unique packages.mask which will only apply to ebuilds within that specific repo. The REPO_ID must match the name that will be used for rsync Therefore, rsync://MyServer.tdl/REPO_ID/ /etc/portage/* ------------- In order to provide users with the current set of options and extend them so they can be customized to each repository, the structure of /etc/portage will remain similar with these changes: * /etc/portage/REPO_NAME/* will be the location of repository-specific portage files. * /etc/portage/ will continue to function over all repos ** ex) =sys-devel/gcc-4 -* in /etc/portage/package.keywords would use the latest gcc-4 regardless of what tree it comes from. The following new files will be added to /etc/portage: * /etc/portage/repositories.perfer - will contain each REPO_NAME in order of preferance, higher is more perfered. (Each REPO_NAME will be on a seperate line) ** In the absence of this file portage should use repositories in alphabetical order. * /etc/portage/REPO_NAME/ - contains the specific REPO_ID which REPO_NAME applies to. */etc/portage/REPO_NAME/repository.conf - will contain any repository-specific options, which can include, but is not limited to, FEATURES="" C[XX]FLAGS="". ** This will also include a new variable; OPTIONS="" of which is similar to FEATURES, but modifies the way portage will handle that specific repository. A few examples of options which could be useful: *** EXCLUDESYNC - Prevents portage from doing a sync on this repo. *** EXCLUDEUPDATE - Prevents portage from using ebuilds in this repo as updates for packages which currently reside in a different repo. *** EXCLUSIVEUPDATE - forces any update to any package which is from this repository to a newer version which resides inside of this repo. *** et al. All of the repository rsync URIs will be stored in /etc/make.conf SYNC="rsync:// \ rsync://" The Tree: /usr/portage -> /var/repositories/REPO_ID/ ---------------------- The repository tree will need to be moved, each repository will have its own folder: /var/repositories/REPO_ID/. For compatibility reasons, /usr/portage will be treated as /var/repositories/gentoo-portage Ebuilds ------- Ebuilds will now be able to have dependencies based on packages from specific repositories. * DEP Atoms now support the following format: =REPO_ID:SLOTNUM:CAT/EBUILD-X.Y.Z ** Ex1) >=MyRepo:2:sys-devel/gcc-4.0 ** Ex2)