Andrew Gaffney wrote: > Lance Albertson wrote: > >> If you are that overworked, perhaps you should find more people to help >> with releng and the duties you have? I've been in a similar position as >> yourself where its hard to find good quality folks that stick around, >> and then you get used to doing everything yourself. I haven't seen any >> emails asking for help or people for releng. This is the first I've >> heard of your troubles with not having adequate time for all the duties >> you do yourself. >> >> If you need help, please ask for it and at least try and get some of >> that load off of you so that we don't take things out of gentoo simply >> because of the lack of time. > > > Apparently you missed his email to -core on the 27th of October with the > subject "x86 Release Coordinator" where he asks for someone to step up > to take beejay's old job...the one that he's doing now. Yeah, my bad. I guess I was just looking at the -dev mailing list since it has a larger reader-base. I still think he should have sent that to -dev to get more input. I understand that he probably was looking internally for someone, but its best to keep your options open. You never know what person you might find out of the blue to help with the project. Also, I noticed there's no request for this position on the [1] staffing needs page. So you may want to include something there as well. My bad on missing the email on -core. [1] -- Lance Albertson Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager --- GPG Public Key: Key fingerprint: 0423 92F3 544A 1282 5AB1 4D07 416F A15D 27F4 B742 ramereth/