Christian Parpart wrote:

> And yeah, I disagree to a move-back, too!! I'm most likely not to support this 
> in any kind, instead, I'd be willing in pushing p.mask'ed apache httpd 2.1 
> into the tree, so, that I don't have to live with the old shitty behavior 
> again.
> Seriousely, why did we put all our power into those improvements when we're 
> now about to revert mostly everything?

Because they seriously hork people's installations in some cases and cause lots
of frustration. The improvements seem great, but they need to *work* out of the
box for most situations which this doesn't appear to be doing. Testing is
supposed to be for things that work and just need tweaking, not something that
works for most cases and breaks other people's systems. For one, make your
eclass backwards compatible so that mod plugins are easier to maintain. You're
not reverting if you're saving a lot of people some pain. Why do you have to
push all these improvements on the current stable line of apache (2.0.x) ? Why
can't these changes just be used in the upcoming alpha/beta releases and totally
be implemented by the time they move to the next stable release. Asking people
to suddenly change midway through is a major pain. If they knew that these kinds
of changes were going to happen in >2.0.x, then it would be easier for them to


Lance Albertson <>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operational Manager

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