Hey all, I thought I'd might as well make one email for all of these. We need to do some maintenance on several of our servers today. The first one will be one of our mailing list servers. This mailing list and a few others won't be affected, but most of the others will. I'm planning on doing that in about 1 hour or so. Other services such as bugs.gentoo.org, forums.gentoo.org, and store.gentoo.org will be affected later in the afternoon (US time). I'm not sure of an exact time, but sometime between 1-5pm CST. If things go as planned, we shouldn't notice any long downtimes. Cheers, -- Lance Albertson Gentoo Infrastructure | Operational Manager --- Public GPG key: Key fingerprint: 0423 92F3 544A 1282 5AB1 4D07 416F A15D 27F4 B742 ramereth/irc.freenode.net