Donnie Berkholz wrote: > Stephen P. Becker wrote: > | Nobody is asking you to drop your job. However, what people are saying > | is if you don't have hardware, then how can you properly maintain a > | driver for it? If I didn't have any mips machines, how could I be a > | member of the mips team? Instead of trying to maintain a bunch of > | drivers that you can't test, why don't you recruit some more devs for > | the dialup herd who do have such hardware? You can create a team that > | coordinates through you to ensure good QA for these drivers. > > There is a fairly common case that a package exists that Gentoo _should_ > have in the tree, but those people with the hardware are unable to > become devs because of time commitments or other reasons. I see no > reason a dev can't collaborate with a non-dev on testing packages. -- mailing list Amen to that.