Hey all, Just thought I'd give you a heads up on some upcoming maintenance we're doing on toucan. We're going to be moving toucan up to its new spiffy rack and data center on Saturday, February 26 in the morning. We don't expect any huge delays or problems, but you never know. The time window for this outage will be between 6AM - 12PM EST ( 1100 - 1700 UTC). It should be done by around 9:30AM EST, but expect anything. This move will cause the IP to change for toucan as well ( During the outage all mail for lists/forums/bugs will be queued and not sent. CVS should still work, but may be slow since CIA sends emails. Also, you won't be able to upload any new tarballs to distfiles until toucan is back up. The new facility should provide better uptime since it'll be on a generator finally! If you give a chance, wish jrinkovs good luck on this move :) -- Lance Albertson Gentoo Infrastructure --- Public GPG key: Key fingerprint: 0423 92F3 544A 1282 5AB1 4D07 416F A15D 27F4 B742 ramereth/irc.freenode.net