Xavier Neys wrote: > On the other hand, I would be very interested in official *project > blogs*. Some teams post a status page once in a while, some might not. A > project blog would be more dynamic and wouldn't require status page > writers to keep tabs. See it as a way of publishing all sorts of little > bits of information that are not big enough to make it to our home page. > Besides, a planet of those blogs would give a neat overview of > everything that is happening within Gentoo. This is probably one of the best idea's I've heard in a while. I think that this would be helpful in ways other than individual users' blogs would. Is there anyone else behind this idea who agrees but didn't bother replying? If there's enough interest in this, perhaps a project-blog GLEP is in order? -- Hasan Khalil Public Key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x707B8F18