Am Sonntag, 2. Februar 2020, 12:47:55 CET schrieb Benda Xu: > Dear Fellows, > > alicef writes: > > > As always, Gentoo plans to participate in the Google Summer of Code > > 2020. We are looking for new project ideas and are always open for > > new mentors. > > Google Summer of Code is a big opportunity for making Gentoo project more > > visible and get more people interested to join Gentoo and helping out. > > > > [...] > > This year's GSoC organization application deadline is on Feb 5. The > more project ideas, the better Gentoo will show itself to be prepared. > If you have been thinking of adding projects to our GSoC 2020 list, this > is a good chance to do so. > > Cheers, > Benda > Hi, I saw the idea „Big Data Infrastructure by Gentoo“ and found it kind of interesting. However, I have a little bit the fear that a full automation won't be possible and the whole project becomes a little bit like g-sorcery (gs-pypi, gs-elpa) or g-octave: a really cool project but not used at a large scale. What do you think of the idea to not do this fully automated but supervised by a maintainer? With that I mean an ebuild generator that generates only the parts of the ebuild that it can easily parse and then present the ebuild draft to a maintainer who completes it to an full ebuild. As far a I know no tool like this exists. I think the focus shift helps a lot: Developing a tool for the Gentoo maintainer not the Gentoo user. I'm only "maintaining" an overlay so maybe I'm missing experience but I often have wished a tool that automatically parses the language specific packaging files and is able to generate a primitive ebuild out of that. Maybe it even can do this in an interactive way: "Hey, upstream needs the dependency 'foo'. In the Gentoo packages I have found 'dev-bar/foo' and 'dev-util/foo'. What is the correct one?" With a not fully automatic tool also packages can be parsed that are not in a complete closed ecosystem, like a '' file or cmake files for C++/C programs. But of course package databases like Maven/Cargo/Pypi are also candidates. Unfortunately, I have no time currently to participate in the GSOC. I just want to mention this here as an idea. Please comment or correct me, if such a tool already exists. Best, Gerion